Title Izborni sustav Republike Hrvatske
Title (english) The Electoral System of the Republic of Croatia
Author Ivana Gložinić
Mentor Anita Blagojević (mentor)
Committee member Mato Palić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Tucak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Blagojević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Constitutional and European Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2021-04-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Constitutional Law
Abstract U Republici Hrvatskoj se svake četvrte godine održavaju izbori za Hrvatski sabor i lokalni izbori, te svakih pet godina izbori za Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske i izbori za članove Europskog parlamenta iz Republike Hrvatske. Cilj je ovog rada, kroz paralelni prikaz pojedinih izbora, utvrditi sličnosti i razlike među njima. Zastupnici u Hrvatski sabor, članovi Europskog parlamenta iz Republike Hrvatske i članovi predstavničkih tijela jedinica lokalne i regionalne samouprave biraju se razmjernim (proporcionalnim) izbornim sustavom uz primjenu D'Hondtove metode pretvaranja glasova birača u mandate. Uvjet za sudjelovanje u podjeli mandata je da je kandidacijska lista prešla izborni prag odnosno da je osvojila najmanje 5% valjanih glasova birača. Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske, općinski načelnici, gradonačelnici i župani biraju se većinskim izbornim sustavom i to sustavom apsolutne većine u blažoj varijanti prema kojem je za pobjedu u prvom izbornom krugu potrebna apsolutna većina (polovica plus jedan) glasova svih birača koji su glasovali. Pošto se u praksi takva većina rijetko ostvaruje već u prvom krugu, 14 dana nakon prvog kruga održava se drugi krug izbora. U drugi krug ulaze dva kandidata koja su u prvom krugu dobila najveći broj glasova, a izabran je onaj kandidat koji dobije više glasova birača koji su glasovali. Ovlašteni predlagatelji kandidata/kandidacijskih lista kod svih ranije navedenih izbora su političke stranke registrirane u Republici Hrvatskoj i birači. Neovisno o kojim je izborima riječ, biračko je pravo u Republici Hrvatskoj opće, jednako, tajno i neposredno. Preduvjet za ostvarivanje biračkog prava na izborima je upis birača u Registar birača - zbirku osobnih podataka o svim biračima državljanima Republike Hrvatske i državljanima država članica Europske unije koji svoje biračko pravo ostvaruju u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) In the Republic of Croatia, elections for the Croatian Parliament and local elections are held every four years, while the elections for the President of the Republic of Croatia and elections for the members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia are held every five years. The aim of this paper, through a parallel presentation of individual elections, is to determine the similarities and differences between them. Members of the Croatian Parliament, members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Croatia as well as the members of the representative bodies of local and regional self-government units are elected by a proportional electoral system using D'Hondt's method of converting voters' votes. The condition for participating in the division of mandates is that the candidate list has crossed the election threshold, i.e. that it has won at least 5% of the valid votes. The President of the Republic of Croatia, municipal mayors, mayors and county prefects are elected by the majority electoral system, that is through the absolute majority system in a milder version, according to which an absolute majority (half plus one) of all voters who voted is required to win the first election round. Given that in practice such a majority is seldom achieved in the first election round, a second round of elections is held 14 days after the first round. The two candidates who received the largest number of votes in the first election round qualify for the second round, and the candidate who receives the most votes from the voters who have voted is therefore elected. Authorized proposers of candidates/candidate lists in all previously mentioned elections are political parties registered in the Republic of Croatia as well as voters. Regardless of the elections in question, the right to vote in the Republic of Croatia is universal, equal, secret, and direct. A prerequisite for exercising the right to vote in elections is the registration of voters on the Electoral Roll - a collection of personal data on all voters who are citizens of the Republic of Croatia and citizens of EU member states who exercise their right to vote in the Republic of Croatia.
biračko pravo
izbori za Hrvatski sabor
izbori za predsjednika Republike Hrvatske
lokalni izbori
izbori za Europski parlament
Keywords (english)
right to vote
elections for the Croatian Parliament
elections for the President of the Republic of Croatia
local election
elections for the members of European Parliament
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:615146
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-10-06 16:10:44