Title Kulturne politike Europske unije
Title (english) Cultural policies of the European Union
Author Jasminka Čunčić Šprišić
Mentor Tunjica Petrašević (mentor)
Committee member Dunja Duić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mato Palić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tunjica Petrašević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of European Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-01-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law European Public Law
Abstract Pitanje kulturne politike, kulturne tranzicije, kulturnog identiteta, multikulturalnosti i slično, aktualno je pitanje današnjice kojim se bave mnogi, a biti će i tema ovog završnog rada. Govoriti će se o nastojanjima Europske unije u pogledu stvaranja zajedničke kulturne politike s naglaskom na kulturnu raznolikost i svim problemima na koje se nailazi u nastojanju da kulturna politika zaživi u pravom smislu te riječi. Nezaobilazni su ugovori, dokumenti, programi i strategije koje se utrle put jačanju kulturnih politika s posebnim naglaskom na Ugovor iz Maastrichta, Lisabonski ugovor, Europsku agendu za kulturu, Strategiju Europa 2020., a ništa manje nije važan ni projekt Europska prijestolnica kulture, posebice u provođenju kulturne politike Europe čiji je osnovni cilj ukazivanje na kulturna bogatstva i raznolikosti gradova Europe. Rad je podijeljen u tri poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju biti će razrađen pojam kulturne politike i kulturne tranzicije i govoriti će se položaju Hrvatske u kontekstu kulturne tranzicije, te strategiji kulturnog razvitka. U drugom poglavlju govoriti će se o kulturnoj politici Europske unije s osvrtom na povijesni aspekt, dokumentima i programima koji su doprinijeli jačanju kulturnih politika. Treće poglavlje posvećeno je pojmu multikulturalnosti te modelima hrvatskog multikulturalizma. Literatura koja je korištena u izradi ovoga rada odnosi se prvenstveno na Europsku uniju i njenu kulturnu politiku, a radi se ponajprije o knjigama, studijama, člancima ali i izvorima dostupnim na Internetu koji obraduju područje od ovog interesa. Zaključci do kojih se dolazi kroz ovaj rad odnose se ponajprije na činjenicu da utjecaj Europske zajednice na kulturnu politiku, kroz duži vremenski period i već spomenute dokumente, ugovore, strategije, programe i sl. uvelike jača, no nezaobilazno je napomenuti da se i danas, u gotovo svim kulturnim programima, ponajprije ističe ekonomski potencijal kulture.
Abstract (english) The topic of the cultural policy, cultural transition, cultural identity, multiculturality, etc. is an increasingly important topic of today, which is dealt with by many people and it will be the topic of this graduation thesis. There will be a discussion about the endeavors of the European Union to make mutual cultural policy with the emphasis on cultural diversity and all the problems met in the strive for the cultural policy to live properly. Contracts, documents, programs and strategies are indispensable since they had been the pioneer to building up the cultural policies with special emphasis on the Maastricht contract, Lisbon contract, European agenda for the culture, Strategy Europe 2020, as well as the not less important project the European capital of culture. The last mentioned is especially important in carrying out the cultural policy of Europe, whose main goal is to point at cultural wealth and diversity of European cities. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter the terms of the cultural policy and cultural transion will be discussed, as well as the position of Croatia within the context of cultural transition and the strategy of cultural development. In the second chapter the cultural policy of the European Union will be discussed, with special emphasis on the historical aspect, as well as the documents and programs which had contributed to building up the cultural policies. The third chapter is about the term of the multiculturality and models of the Croatian multiculturality. The references used in this thesis refer mainly to the European Union and its cultural policy, and these are mostly books, studies, articles as well as the resources available on the Internet and deal with the domain of this topic. The conclusions brought about in this thesis refer mainly to the fact that the impact of the European Union on the long-term cultural policy and the mentioned documents, contracts, strategies, programs etc, has made progress, but it is inevitable to mention that even today, in mostly all the cultural programs, the economic potential of the culture is essential.
kulturna politika
kulturna tranzicija
legalizacija kulture
prijestolnice kulture
Keywords (english)
cultural policy
cultural transition
legalization of the culture
culural capitals
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:386604
Study programme Title: Public Administration Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: Strucni specijalist / strucna specijalistica javne uprave (Strucni specijalist / strucna specijalistica javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-12-01 08:17:08