Title Grad kao mjesto prometovanja - stanje i perspektiva
Title (english) City as a place of traffic - state and perspective
Author Nevena Bedeković
Mentor Aleksandra Vasilj (mentor)
Committee member Renata Perić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Činčurak Erceg (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Vasilj (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Commercial Law, Financial Law, Maritime and General Transport Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-01-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Gradski promet danas predstavlja vrlo važno područje istraživanja u prometnoj geografiji. Urbanizacija i prostorni razvoj gradova utječe na razvoj prometnog sistema. Krajem 18. i početkom 19. stoljeća, u doba industrijske revolucije, započelo je povećanje gradskog prometa i urbanizacije. Industrijska revolucija obilježava veliki porast gradova i početak stvaranja gradova sa milijunima stanovnika. Javni gradski prijevoz važan je za funkcioniranje grada kao cjeline i mora biti pristupačan, organiziran, jeftin te brz i učinkovit.. U ovoj vrsti prometa podrazumjevamo prijevoz ljudi i dobara na području grada i prigradskih naselja, a što je jedan od bitnih elemenata kvalitete gradskog života. U sustav gradskog prometa ubrajaju se vozila, prometnice (npr. ceste, pruge), mjesta za zaustavljanje vozila (npr. kolodvori, stajališta, postaje), mjesta za smještaj vozila (npr. parkirališta, garaže), mjesta za popravak i održavanje vozila, postrojenje za opskrbu električnom energijom ili gorivom te sustavi za nagledanje i regulaciju prometa u gradu. U današnje vrijeme velika je opterećenost kretanja ljudi na posao i s posla, a isto tako obavljanje osobnih potreba stvara velike gužve. U gradskom prometu se odvija unutargradski, prolazni i ulazno-izlazni promet. Promet u gradu se može odvijati usporedno (najčešće u cestovnom prometu) ili zasebno (izvancestovni, tj. podzemni i nadzemni promet). Većinom se promet odvija putem izvangradskih ili prigradskih prometnica (npr. obilaznice), a isto tako gradskim prometnicama (npr. gradske ulice, magistralne ceste). Odvijanje prometa u gradu mora biti sigurno za automobile, ali i za pješake, bicikliste te ostale sudionike u gradskom prometu. U ovome rade upoznati ćemo se sa samim pojmom grada, statusom grada kao mjesta prometovanja, razvojem javnog gradskog putničkog prijevoza, vrstama javnog gradskog putničkog prijevoza te sa problemima koji se javljaju u gradskom prometu i koja su moguća rješenja za takve probleme. Također, upoznati glavne ciljeve, činitelje i strategije koje utječu na upravljanje prijevoznom potražnjom u gradovima. Isto tako, navesti neke primjere u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu vezane za prometovanje u gradovima. Za razvoj prometnog sustava Republike Hrvatske ističe se „Strategija prometnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razbolje od 2014. do 2030.“ koju je donijelo Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrasturkture.
Abstract (english) Urban transport today is a very important area of traffic geography. Urbanization and spatial development of cities affects the development of the transport system. In the late 18th and early 19th centiuries, at the time of the Industrial Revolution, an increase in urban traffic and urbanization began. The Industrial Revolution marks the great growth of cities with milions of inhabitants. Public city transport is an important part of a city as a whole and must be accesible, oragnized, cheap, fast and efficient. In this type of transport we mean the transport of people and goods in the city and suburbs, which is one of the essential elements of city life. The urban transport system includes vehicles, traffic ways (eg. roads, railways), places to accommodate vehicles (eg. parking lots, garages), places to repair and maintain vehicles, a plant for the supply of electricity or fuel and systems for monitoring and regulating taffic in the city. Nowadays, there is a heavy workload of people moving to and from work, and also peoples personal needs creates large crowds. City traffic consists of: intra-city, transit and enty-exit traffic. Traffic in the city can take place in parallel (most often in road traffic) or separately (off-road, ie underground and aboveground traffic). Most traffic takes place via suburban roads (eg. bypasses) and also by city roads (eg. city streets, main roads). Traffic in the city must be safe for cars, but also for pedestirans, cyclists and other participants in city traffic. In this paper, we will get acquainted with the very concept of the city, the status of the city as a place of traffic, the development of public urban passenger transport, types of public urban passenger transport and the problems that occur in urban transport and what are possible solutions to such problems. Also, get acquainted with main goals, factors and strategies that affect the management of transport demand in cities. Also, give some examples in Croatia and in the world related to urban transport. For the development of the transport system of the Republic of Croatia, the „Transport Development Strategy of Republic of Croatia from 2014 to 2030“ adopted by Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure stands out.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:307276
Study programme Title: Public Administration Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica javne uprave (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica javne uprave)
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Created on 2022-04-22 07:18:25