Abstract | U ovom radu pisalo se o problemima povijesnog razvoja i zaštite prirode i okoliša u globalnim okvirima. Na početku rada definiramo neke od najosnovnijih pojmova, kao što su okoliš i ekologija, te što znači pojam ekološki ili biološki. Nadalje, govorimo o utjecaju čovjeka na okoliš i prirodu u kojoj živimo, te razrađujemo neke od najvažnijih problema sadašnjice vezane za to, kao to su na primjer eksponencijalni rast stanovništva na Zemlji ili zašto je sve manje neobnovljivih izvora resursa. Također razrađujemo koncept načela i ciljeva, te izvora održivog razvoja. Tu ćemo spominjati konferencije koje su se počele sve više i aktivnije baviti ovom temom. Naravno govorimo i o povijesti i razvoju politika okoliša te ćemo tu spomenuti i neke od prvih dobrovoljnih organizacija za zaštitu okoliša, te razne dokumente koje se bave međunarodnim pitanjem zaštite prirode i okoliša. Na kraju rada govorimo o međunarodnopravnom aspektu zaštite okoliša i tu spominjemo međunarodne konvencije kroz povijest pa sve do danas. Tu naravno spominjemo i pravo okoliša u Republici Hrvatskoj, kako se ono regulira, što poduzimamo u vezi najvažnijih problema koji su vezani za naš okoliš, te isto tako prve inicijative vezane za naše područje. Kada smo stigli do kraja rada, došli smo do zaključka kako je sve više ljudi na planeti Zemlji, a resursa je sve manje. Možemo svjedočiti kako ljudi svaki dan uče i koriste nove metode kako da koriste obnovljive i neobnovljive izvore resursa, a da pri tome ne oštete našu prirodu i okoliš, kako bi i dalje mogli koristiti te izvore. Ljudi su na kraju krajeva došli do zaključka kako je zapravo jako malo ljudi u svijetu informirano o ovim problemima, te kako bi zapravo već od vrtićke dobi trebali učiti djecu o očuvanju naše prirode, te probuditi svijest u svakom pojedincu da brine o svom okolišu, jer ipak na toj Zemlji mi živimo. Metode koje su se koristile prilikom izrade ovog rada su: metoda deskripcije, povijesna metoda, komparativna metoda, metoda analize i sinteze te induktivna metoda. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, we wrote about the problems of historical development and protection of nature and the environment in a global framework. At the beginning of the paper, we define some of the most basic terms, such as environment and ecology, and what the term ecological or biological means. Furthermore, we talk about the impact of man on the environment and the nature in which we live, and we elaborate on some of the most important current problems related to it, such as, for example, the exponential growth of the population on Earth or why there are fewer and fewer non-renewable resources. We are also developing the concept of principles and goals, and sources of sustainable development. Here we will mention the conferences that began to deal more and more actively with this topic. Of course, we are also talking about the history and development of environmental policies, and we will also mention some of the first voluntary organizations for environmental protection, as well as various documents that deal with the international issue of nature and environmental protection. At the end of the paper, we talk about the international legal aspect of environmental protection, and there we mention international conventions throughout history until today. Of course, we also mention environmental law in the Republic of Croatia, how it is regulated, what we are doing regarding the most important problems related to our environment, and also the first initiatives related to our area. When we reached the end of the work, we came to the conclusion that there are more and more people on planet Earth, and less resources. We can witness how people learn and use new methods every day to use renewable and non-renewable sources of resources, without damaging our nature and environment, so that they can continue to use these sources. At the end of the day, people came to the conclusion that very few people in the world are actually informed about these problems, and that they should actually teach children from early age about preserving our nature, and awaken the awareness in each individual to take care of their environment, because after all we live on that Earth. The methods used in the preparation of this paper are: the method of description, the historical method, the comparative method, the method of analysis and synthesis, and the inductive method. |