Title Otvoreno pravosuđenje u hrvatskom pravu i pravnoj praksi
Title (english) Open justice in Croatian law and legal practice
Author Tanja Danek
Mentor Zvonimir Jelinić (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Zima (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Jelinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Šimunović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law
Abstract Otvoreno pravosuđenje jedno je od najvažnijih instrumenata upravljanja sudskim postupkom. Razvilo se iz načela saslušanja stranaka, a njegovi odrazi očitavaju se i u načelu traženja istine te raspravnom i istražnom načelu. Izvan svake dvojbe, spomenuta načela predstavljaju jedna od najvažnijih načela građanskog parničnog procesnog prava. Novelom Zakona o parničnom postupku iz 2003. godine, hrvatski parnični postupak postaje dominantno raspravne naravi što znači da su za iznošenje činjenica i predlaganje dokaza odgovorne isključivo stranke. Sudu se daje poticateljska uloga u procesu prikupljanja dokazne građe na način da je sud dužan upozoriti stranke da se relevantne činjenice utvrđuju putem predlaganja i izvođenja dokaznih sredstava. To je svakako jedan aspekt otvorenog pravosuđenja. Drugi aspekt načela otvorenog pravosuđenja ogleda se u tome da stranke trebaju biti upoznate sa stajalištem o predmetu spora koje je sud zauzeo u svakom stadiju postupka jer je to važno kako bi one mogle adekvatno usmjeriti svoje procesne radnje u svrhu, za njih pozitivnog okončanja postupka. U ovom radu prvo se prikazuje teorijska izvorišna osnova iz koje je načelo otvorenog pravosuđenja nastalo, dakle sagledat ćemo otvoreno pravosuđenje s odgovarajućim načelima saslušanja stranaka, načela traženja istine te raspravnog i istražnog načela. Analiziraju se izmjene i dopune Zakona o parničnom postupku od 2003. godine do 2022. godine u onim dijelovima u kojima se kritične izmjene i dopune odnose na načelo otvorenog pravosuđenja te se podredno daje kronološki prikaz razvoja i uloge otvorenog pravosuđenja u hrvatskom parničnom postupku. Ostvarenje načela u praksi prikazali smo kroz njegovu ulogu u case managmentu te u postupku iznošenja i utvrđivanja činjenica i dokaznom postupku. Objasnili smo odnos načela pravosuđenja s teretom dokazivanja i pravilom slobodne ocjene. Na kraju, kroz primjer smo prikazali u kojem opsegu se od suda očekuje primjena načela, način postupanja suda prvog stupnja te način postupanja suda drugog stupnja u slučajevima postupanja protivno načelu otvorenog pravosuđenja.
Abstract (english) The principle of open justice is one of the key instruments for managing court proceedings. It had developed from the right to be heard, and it is supported by the principle of material truth and the principle of party initiative. With the amendment to the Law on Civil Procedure from 2003, Croatian civil proceedings become dominantly of a deliberative nature, which means that the parties are responsible for presenting facts and presenting evidence. The court is given a stimulating role in the process of discovery, in such way that it is obliged to warn the parties about the evidence that needs to be presented in order for the relevant facts in the dispute to be determined. This is essentially the role of the principle of open justice in Croatian civil proceedings. Another element of the principle of open justice is that the parties should be familiar with the position on the subject of the dispute that the court has taken at each stage of the procedure, so that they can adequately direct their procedural actions towards a positive decision in the matter. In this thesis, we will present the theoretical basis from which the principle of open justice developed, in the context of the principle of hearing the parties, the principle of seeking the truth, and the principle of party initiative. We analyzed the amendments to the Civil Procedure Act from 2003 to 2022 in those parts that refer to the principle of open justice, and with that, created a chronological overview of its development and importance in Croatian civil procedure. We have shown the realization of the principle in practice through its role in case management and in the process of discovery. We have explained the relationship between the principle of justice and the burden of proof and the rule of free assessment. Finally, through an example, we showed the extent to which the court is expected to apply the principle, the way the court of the first instance acts when applying the principle, and the way the court of the second instance acts when the principle of open justice is violated.
otvoreno pravosuđenje
upravljanje postupkom
raspravno i istražno načelo
činjenice i dokazi
Keywords (english)
open justice
case management
principle of party initiative
presentation of evidence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:899946
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-02-20 12:38:44