Title Prava djece s autizmom
Title (english) Rights of Children with Autism
Author Ria Pifar
Mentor Branka Rešetar (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Lucić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Berdica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Rešetar (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Institute of Civil and Family Law and Legal Tradition) (Chair of Family Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2022-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Family Law
Abstract Autistični poremećaj, kada se dijagnosticira, prisutan je cijeli život. Njegove karakteristike vidljive su u aspektu socijalnog kontakta i komunikacije, pri čemu dolazi do znatnog narušavanja istih. Sve je veći broj dijagnosticiranih poremećaja iz spektra autizma, što pokazuje da njegova pojava uopće nije rijetkost. Osim što poremećaj obilježava život same osobe kojoj je isti dijagnosticiran, obilježava i život članova obitelji te drugih bliskih osoba. Kada je riječ o djeci s autističnim poremećajem, osim što dolazi do velikih promjena u obitelji, nailazi se na poteškoće u ostvarivanju prava djece s autizmom, a moguće su i brojne prepreke pri uključivanju u sustav odgoja i obrazovanja. Iz tog razloga, u radu je najprije prikazano što je zapravo autizam te koje su njegove vrste i karakteristike, kako bi se javnost upoznala s nekim bitnim informacijama u vezi samog poremećaja. Zatim je prikazan utjecaj koji autistični poremećaj može imati na roditelje, braću i sestre, ali i na bake i djedove. Svi članovi obitelji zajedno se prilagođavaju promjenama i načinu života uz autistični poremećaj. Prava djece s autizmom predstavljaju najvažniji dio rada, jer se nastoji pobliže objasniti koja to prava djeca s autističnim poremećajem imaju i trebaju ostvariti, kojim dokumentima su prava zajam te na koji način se dolazi do ostvarivanja istih. Jedno od bitnijih prava djece odnosi se na pravo na odgoj i obrazovanje te je zbog toga istaknuto uključivanje djece s autističnim poremećajem u institucije i ustanove odgoja i obrazovanja, a samim time i problemi na koje se može naići. U radu s djecom koja imaju autistični poremećaj vrlo je bitna podrška, koliko djeci, toliko i njihovim roditeljima ili skrbnicima. U radu su također navedene uloge raznih stručnjaka prilikom pružanja podrške, ali i uloge socijalnih radnika kojima se pridaje velika važnost.
Abstract (english) Autistic disorder, when diagnosed, is present all life. Its characteristics are visible in the aspect of social contact and communication, with significant distortions. The number od diagnosed disorders from the autism spectrum is increasing, which shows that its occurrence is not rare at all. Apart from the fact that the disorder marks the life of the person himself who has been diagnosed with it, it also marks the life of family members and other close persons. When it comes to children with autistic disorder, in addition to major family changes, there are difficulties in exercising the rights of children with autism, and numerous obstacles are possible when entering the education system. For this reason, the paper first shows what autism is and what its types and characteristics are, in order to inform the public about some important information about the disorder itself. Then the influence that autistic disorder can have on parents, brothers and sisters, but also on grandparents, is presented. All family members together adapt to change and lifestyle with autistic disorder. The rights of children with autism are the most important part of the paper, because there i san attempt to explain in detail what kind of rights children with autistic disorder have and need to realize, what documents the rights are prescribed and how they are realised. One of the most important rights of children refers to the right to education and therefore the inclusion of children with autistic disorder in institutions of education and thus problems that can be encountered is highlighted. In working with children who have autistic disorder, support for children, their parents and their guardians is very important. The paper also outlines the role of various experts in providing support, but also the role of social workers who are given great importance.
autistični poremećaj
prava djece
socijalni rad
Keywords (english)
autistic disorder
rights of children
social work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:951244
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study Programme of Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2023-02-21 11:11:01