Title Dijete kao svjedok kaznenog djela
Title (english) Child as a witness of a Criminal act
Author Antonija Rihter
Mentor Zvonimir Tomičić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Vuletić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Bakota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Tomičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Criminal Law Sciences) Osijek
Defense date and country 2023-02-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology and Victimology
Abstract Kada se u ulozi svjedoka u kaznenom postupku pojavi dijete, govorimo o kategoriji posebno osjetljivih svjedoka. Položaj i prava djece u toj procesnoj ulozi predstavljaju izazov za kazneni postupak jer se primat stavlja na najbolji interes djeteta koji je ponekad u suprotnosti s pravima okrivljenika u postupku. Zbog svog psihofizičkog razvoja dijete je uvijek u opasnosti od sekundarne viktimizacije, stoga posebna pravila ispitivanja i kaznenog postupka općenito nastoje svesti tu mogućnost na minimum. Prije nego se dijete nađe u ulozi svjedoka potrebno je procijeniti je li ono sposobno svjedočiti, odnosno može li shvatiti što ta dužnost znači i koje su posljedice svjedočenja. Vrlo je važno procijeniti i hoće li svjedočenje dodatno traumatizirati dijete i na njega ostaviti neotklonjive posljedice te je od iznimne važnosti da procjenu radi stručna osoba na standardizirani način koji je ustalila praksa utemeljena na brojnim znanstvenim istraživanjima. Forenzični intervju je vrsta intervju koja se koristi kada se u ulozi svjedoka kaznenog djela nađe dijete jer je njegov cilj otkrivanje kaznenog djela kroz dobivanje i otkrivanje činjenica koje su presudne za sudsku proceduru. Kada je intervju s djetetom dovršen, na ispitivaču ostaje procijeniti koliko je taj djetetov iskaz vjerodostojan, odnosno je li istinit ili pak lažan. U tom zadatku će mu pomoći Statement Validity Assessment (SVA) metoda ili metoda za procjenu valjanosti iskaza. Pomoću nje se nastoji razotkriti istinu od laži, sadržajno analizirajući usmeni iskaz djeteta. Kada se dijete pojavi kao sudionik u pravosudnom sustavu, on se u mnogočemu mora prilagoditi potrebama djeteta. Ta prilagodba sustava rukovodi se najboljim interesom djeteta koji kao pojam u sebi sadrži brojna prava koja djeca imaju. Takvo pravosuđe je „Child friendly“ pravosuđe koje osim niza procesnih prava za djecu stvara i koordiniranu mrežu stručnih, educiranih ljudi koji imaju sklonost za rad s djecom i mladima. Procesni položaj djeteta kao svjedoka teorijski je na dobrom putu, iako su manjkavosti sustava vidljive svakodnevno u praksi i puno je prostora za napredak, usavršavanje i njegovo poboljšanje.
Abstract (english) When a child appears as a witness in criminal proceedings, we are talking about a category of particularly sensitive witnesses. The position and rights of children in that procedural role represent a challenge for criminal proceedings because the primacy is placed on the best interests of the child, which sometimes contradicts the rights of the defendant in the proceedings. Due to his psychophysical development, the child is always at risk of secondary victimization, therefore special rules of investigation and criminal procedure in general, try to minimize this possibility. Before a child finds himself in the role of a witness, it is necessary to assess whether he is capable of testifying, that is, whether he can understand what this duty means and what the consequences of testifying are. It is very important to assess whether the testimony will further traumatize the child and leave irreversible consequences, therefore the assessment must be done by an expert in a standardized way established by practice based on numerous scientific studies. A forensic interview is a type of interview that is used when a child is a witness to a criminal offence because its goal is to uncover the criminal offence by obtaining and revealing facts that are crucial for the court procedure. When the interview with the child is completed, it remains for the examiner to assess how credible the child's statement is, that is, whether it is true or false. Statement Validity Assessment (SVA) method or method for evaluating the validity of statements will help him in this task. It is used to reveal the truth from lies, analyzing the content of the child's oral testimony. When a child appears as a participant in the judicial system, it must adapt in many ways to the child's needs. This adjustment of the system is guided by the best interest of the child, which as a concept contains numerous rights that children have. Such a judiciary is a "Child-friendly" judiciary that, in addition to a series of procedural rights for children, also creates a coordinated network of professional, educated people who tend to work with children and young people. The procedural position of the child as a witness is theoretically on the right track, although the shortcomings of the system are visible every day in practice and there is a lot of room for progress, refinement and improvement.
vjerodostojnost iskaza
procesna ravnoteža
Keywords (english)
validity of statements
balance in proceeding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:952023
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-05-11 07:40:12