Title Reforma lokalne samouprave i pametni gradovi u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Local Government Reform and Smart Cities in the Republic of Croatia
Author Romeo Vincelj
Mentor Boris Ljubanović (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Zima (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Lachner (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Ljubanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Administrative Science) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-04-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Administrative Law and Administration
Abstract Pametan grad je inovativan i učinkovit pristup upravljanja gradom, upravljanje resursima kojima taj grad raspolaže, procesima i javnim uslugama koja nam omogućava adekvatna primjena razvijenih digitalnih tehnoloških rješenja. Takvi gradovi postaju područje snažnog zapošljavanja, veliko tržište koje privlači nove investitore, ali i poput magneta privlače ljude koji se masovno doseljavaju prvenstveno radi zapošljavanja, ali i veće kvalitete života. Pametan grad stalno traži ravnotežu između spomenute kvalitete života i rasta BDP-a, odnosno životnog standarda. Pojam pametnog grada nije rezerviran samo za velike milijunske gradove koji imaju dovoljno financijskih sredstava za ulaganje u modernu tehnologiju, već je puno toga primjenjivo i u malim gradovima i općinama koje prevladavaju u Hrvatskoj. Pametni gradovi ne nastaju preko noći već je to jedan dugotrajan i strpljiv proces kako bi djelovanje u određenom smjeru zaista proizvelo željeni učinak. Koraci su sljedeći: vizija, strategija i ciljevi razvoja, kvalitetna procjena potencijalnog razvoja, definiranje i mjerenje pokazatelja uspješnosti, razvoj i utvrđivanje mjera aktivnosti, što znači da svi sudionici procesa trebaju biti uključeni, realizacija planiranih projekata i naposljetku transformacija javnih usluga s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete tih usluga. Budući da u Hrvatskoj, osim grada Zagreba, nema velikih gradova prema nekim svjetskim kriterijima, mogli bismo umjesto pojma „pametni gradovi“ koristiti pojam „pametne zajednice“. Većina hrvatskih gradova i općina je još uvijek u fazi procjene potencijalnog razvoja, pa su projekti koji su usmjereni prema procesu stvaranja pametnih zajednica za sada još uvijek malobrojni i pojedinačni. Potrebno je istaknuti da usprkos tome nismo izdvojeni, možemo puno naučiti iz kataloga uspješno provedenih pametnih rješenja u svijetu i prilagoditi ih svojim potrebama i mogućnostima. Sasvim je jasno je da će naša pametna rješenja vjerojatno ići u nekom drugom smjeru, ali će cilj biti isti - veća kvaliteta života građana. Čitav taj proces pretvaranja općina i gradova u Hrvatskoj u „pametne zajednice“ će promijeniti lice lokalne samouprave, učiniti je učinkovitom, a općinskim i gradskim vlastima omogućiti lakše donošenje pametnih odluka i lakše provođenje pametnih projekata.
Abstract (english) A smart city is an innovative and effective approach to city management, resource management that this city has, processes and public services, which allows us to adequate application developed digital technology solutions. Such cities are becoming an area of strong employment, a large market that attracts new investors, but also like a magnet attracts people who are massively settled primarily for employment, but also a higher quality of life. A smart city is constantly seeking balance between the aforementioned quality of life and GDP growth, and living standards. The concept of smart city is not reserved just for the large population of one million who have sufficient financial resources to invest in modern technology, but it is much more appropriate and in small towns and municipalities that are prevalent in Croatia. Smart cities are not made overnight, but this is a long-term and patient process in order to act in a certain direction actually produced the desired effect. The steps are as follows: vision, strategy and objectives for the development, quality assessment of the potential development, defining and measuring performance indicators, developing and establishing measures of activities, which means that all participants in the process should be included, the realization of planned projects and ultimately transform public services in order to improve the quality of these service. Since in Croatia, apart from Zagreb, there are no large cities according to some international criteria, we could instead of the concept of "smart cities" to use the term "smart community". The majority of Croatian cities and municipalities is still in the phase of evaluation of potential development but the projects are directed towards the process of creation of smart communities for now still few and single. It should be noted that in spite of this we separated, we can learn a lot from the catalog successfully implemented smart solutions in the world to fit their needs and capabilities. It is quite clear is that our smart solutions likely to go in another direction, but will aim to be self-higher quality of citizens life. The whole process of converting the municipalities and cities in Croatia in a "smart community" will change the face of local government, make it effective and municipal and city authorities will make it easier to make smart decisions and easier implementation of smart projects.
pametni gradovi
pametna rješenja
učinkovitost lokalne samouprave
održivi razvoj
Keywords (english)
smart cities
smart solutions
efficiency of local government
sustainable development
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:871386
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-01-30 11:38:18