Abstract | Zdravo obiteljsko okruženje posebno je važno za dijete i njegov rast i razvoj. Ponekad obiteljske funkcije mogu biti narušene te tad život u obitelji postaje rizik koji štetno utječe na funkcioniranje djeteta i njegov razvoj kako emocionalni tako i tjelesni. U ovakvim okolnostima bitna je intervencija nadležnih tijela, ali i drugih pravnih i fizičkih osoba. Svaka osoba ima građansku dužnost prijaviti kršenje prava djeteta, a država mora adekvatno reagirati, osigurati i zaštititi najbolji interes djeteta. Kako bi se zaštitila i osigurala dobrobit djeteta koriste se mjere za zaštitu prava i dobrobiti djeteta te se na taj način štiti dijete unutar vlastite obitelji, ali i izvan nje. Koja mjera će se odrediti ovisi o vrsti i jačini povrede dječjih prava, ali i o drugim obiteljsko pravnim čimbenicima. U ovom radu će se govoriti o mjeri izdvajanja djeteta iz obitelji i ulozi centra za socijalnu skrb. Izdvajanje djeteta iz obitelji je u nadležnosti suda koji u izvanparničnom postupku donosi odluku o njezinoj primjeni onda kada su prethodne mogućnosti iscrpljene. Ova mjera je dvojakog karaktera te se prvi dio mjere odnosi na postupak izdvajanja djeteta, dok je u drugom dijelu potrebno pronaći privremeni smještaj koji će odgovarati individualnim potrebama djeteta. Iako je riječ o mjeri koja razdvaja obitelj, njezin krajnji cilj je otkloniti probleme u obitelji koji su doveli do izdvajanja djeteta ili osigurati djetetu drugi trajni oblik skrbi. Ponekad unatoč svim tim postupcima i mjerama ponovni povratak djeteta u obitelj nije moguć. U tim slučajevima bitno je ojačati djetetovu neovisnost i pripremiti ga na novu obitelj ili samostalni život. Cilj ovoga rada je dati pregled postojeće literature i propisa koji reguliraju izdvajanje i smještaj djeteta izvan obitelji, ali i detaljno prikazati mjeru. U radu su donesene pretpostavke za određivanje mjere, razlozi i tijek postupka, uloga centra u samom postupku te vrste smještaja: smještaj u udomiteljskim obiteljima i smještaj u ustanovi socijalne skrbi. |
Abstract (english) | A healthy family environment is crucial for the child and its growth and development. At times, family functions can be disrupted and then the family becomes a risk that adversely affects the functioning of the child and its development, both emotionally and physically. In such circumstances, the intervention of competent authorities, as well as other legal and physical entities, is essential. Therefore, every person has a civil responsibility to report a crime against a child and the state must react adequately to ensure and protect the best interest of the child. Measures to protect the rights and the welfare of the child are used in order to preserve and ensure the well- being of the child, in this way the child is protected whitin its own family, but also outside of it. Which measure will be determined depends on the type and severity of the violation of children's rights, but also on other family law factors. This paper will emphasize on one of the measures, particularly, the measure of separating the child from the family, and the role of the center for social welfare. Separation of a child from the family is whitin the competence of the court, which in out-of-court proceedings makes a decision on its application when the previous possibilities have all been exhausted. This measure has a two-fold character, the first part of the measure refers to the procedure of separating the child, whilst in the second part it is necessary to find temporary accommodation that will meet the individual needs of the child. Although, it is a measure that separates the family, its ultimate goal is to eliminate the problems in the family that led to the separation of the child or to provide the child with another permanent form of care. Sometimes, despite all these procedures and measures, the return of the child back to the family is not possible. In such cases, it is important to strengthen the child's independence and prepare them for a new family or an independent life. The sole purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing literature and regulations that regulate the separation and placement of children outisde the family, and to present the measure in detail. The paper presents the assumptions for determining the measure, the reasons and the course of the procedure, the role of the center in the procedure itself and the types of accommodation, accommodation in foster families and accomodation in a social welfare institution. |