Title Azil
Title (english) Asylum
Author Eugen Bagarić
Mentor Boris Ljubanović (mentor)
Committee member Renata Perić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Vasilj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Ljubanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Administrative Science) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-05-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract U državama zapadne Europe 1990-tih godina povećava se broj osoba koje traže međunarodnu zaštitu. Države su suočene s velikim izbjegličkim krizama te intenzivnije razvijaju suradnju na području azila i migracija. Azilom se smatra zaštita koju pruža država na svom teritoriju osobi koja je pobjegla iz svoje države zbog ugrožavanja života ili ozbiljnog kršenja ljudskih prava. Izraz potječe iz grčkih polisa i označava nepovredivost, odnosno utočište, pribježište ili skrovište, tj. mjesto koje daje sigurnost i zaštitu od progona i opasnosti općenito. Azil predstavlja svako sklonište pred progonom, neprilikom, bolešću, starošću, često u formi institucije (utočište za nezbrinutu djecu, starce, siromahe i beskućnike). Pravo na azil spada među temeljna ljudska prava. U Hrvatskoj pravo na azil zajamčeno je odredbom čl. 33. st. 1. Ustavom Republike Hrvatske prema kojem: „Strani državljanin i osobe bez državljanstva mogu dobiti utočište u Republici Hrvatskoj, osim ako su progonjeni za nepolitičke zločine i djelatnosti oprečne temeljnim načelima međunarodnog prava.“ Pristup sustavu azila temeljni je preduvjet za oživotvorenje prava na azil u praksi da bi država u suvremenim migracijskim kretanjima između ostalih imigranata mogla prepoznati osobe kojima je potrebna međunarod¬na zaštita, nužno je osigurati pristup teritoriju i sustavu azila. Svaka pravno i poslovno sposobna osoba ima pravo postaviti zahtjev za azilom u svoje vlastito ime. Odrasli članovi obitelji mogu biti obuhvaćeni zahtjevom jednog člana obitelji, pod uvjetom da se s time slože. Tražitelji azila imaju pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu koja obuhvaća hitnu medicinsku pomoć i prijeko potrebno liječenje bolesti. Rad analizira pojam azil, procesa prihvata i pristupa azilu, prava i obveze tražitelja azila i ulogu hrvatskog crvenog križa.
Abstract (english) In the countries of Western Europe in the 1990s increased the number of persons seeking international protection. States are confronted with major refugee crises and intensively develop cooperation in the field of asylum and migration. Asylum is considered to be the protection provided by the state on its territory to a person who has fled from his state to endanger life or serious human rights violations. The term derives from the Greek polis and means inviolability or shelter, refuge or a hiding place. A place that provides security and protection from persecution and danger in general. Asylum represents every shelter in the face of persecution, inconvenience, illness, old age, often in the form of an institution (a refuge for uninhabited children, the elderly, the poor and the homeless). The right to asylum is one of the fundamental human rights. In Croatia the right to asylum is guaranteed by the provision of Art. 33st 1st. Croatian Constitution, according to which: "Foreign citizens and stateless persons may obtain asylum in Croatia, unless they are prosecuted for non-political crimes and activities contrary to the basic principles of international law." Access to the asylum system is a basic prerequisite for the realization of asylum rights in practice so that the state can identify persons who need international protection amongst other migrants during the contemporary migration movements, it is necessary to ensure access to the territory and the asylum system. Every legal and business person is entitled to apply for asylum in his / her own name. Adult family members may be covered by the requirement of a member of the family, provided that they agree. Asylum seekers have the right to health care, which includes urgent medical assistance and the need to treat the disease. The paper analyzes the concept of asylum, the process of acceptance and access to asylum, asylum seekers' rights and obligations and the role of the Croatian Red Cross.
Prava azilanata
Obveze tražitelja azila
Crveni križ
Keywords (english)
The rights of asylum seekers
Obligations of asylum seekers
Red Cross
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:011746
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-01-30 12:46:00