Abstract | Rad se bavi prikazom položaja žene u razdoblju od 1848.-1918. godine, koja je kroz oba stoljeća bila svedena na postulat majčinstva. Brak se smatrao samoostvarenjem za obje osobe, prvenstveno žene stoga je bilo vrlo teško dobiti crkveno razrješenje braka što je dovodilo do života u konkubinatu i rađanja izvanbračne djece. Muškarac kao otac smatrao se vladarom gospodarstva i svi članovi zajedno sa suprugom su mu bili podređeni, a žena je tokom cijelog života bila pod nadzorom muške osobe. Obiteljske zadruge najjasnije prikazuju funkcioniranje tog istog gospodarstva, unatoč tomu što su dugo postojale, česte promjene zakona prikriveno su nastojale da se one ukinu. S obzirom da se žena smatrala manje sposobnom i manje inteligentnom od muškarca one su se usmjeravale na rad u kući, brigu o djeci te rad u polju jer su se jedino za to smatrale sposobnom. Međutim dolaskom bana Ivana Mažuranića na vlast, koji prvi potaknuo školovanje žena, počele su se osnivati prve škole za djevojke, što je rezultiralo prvim poslovima za žene u prosvijeti odnosno prvih učiteljica. S vremenom su se žene uspjele izboriti za svoj položaj, koji i dalje nije bio zavidan, ali svakako bolji te su počele razvijati svoja poduzetništva. |
Abstract (english) | Here is the presentation of the position of women in the period from 1848 to 1918. year, which throughout both centuries was reduced to the postulate of motherhood. Marriage was considered self-fulfillment for both people, primarily women, so it was very difficult to get a church license for marriage, which led to cohabitation and the birth of illegitimate children. A man as a father was considered the ruler of the economy and all members together with his wife were subordinate to him, while a woman was under the supervision of a male person throughout her life. Family cooperatives most clearly show the functioning of that same economy, despite the fact that they existed for a long time, frequent changes in the law covertly tried to abolish them. Given that women were considered less capable and less intelligent than men, they focused on housework, child care, and work in the fields because that was the only thing they were considered capable of. However, with the coming to power of Ban Ivan Mažuranić, who was the first to encourage women's education, the first schools for girls began to be founded, which resulted in the first jobs for women in education, i.e. the first female teachers. Over time, women managed to fight for their position, which was still not enviable, but certainly better, and they began to develop their businesses. |