Title Zaštita majčinstva zatvorenica
Title (english) Protection of Motherhood of Imprisoned Women
Author Ana Bošnjak
Mentor Zvonimir Tomičić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Vuletić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mato Palić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Tomičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Criminal Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology and Victimology
Abstract Ovim radom nastoji se odgovoriti na pitanje u kojoj je mjeri i kojim mehanizmima zaštićeno majčinstvo zatvorenica u Republici Hrvatskoj. Cilj rada je analiza instrumenata i instituta zaštite odnosa majke zatvorenice i djeteta te zaštite prava i najboljih interesa djece zatvorenica u različitim fazama kaznenog postupka, kao i prikaz položaja zatvorenica u zatvorskom sustavu obzirom na njihove rodno specifične potrebe. Teme vezane uz zdravstvenu zaštitu, rad i izobrazbu zatvorenica te kontakt s vanjskim svijetom, kao i argumenti i iskustva stranih zatvorskih sustava vezani uz odluku da se djeci zatvorenica dopusti ostanak uz majku u penalnim ustanovama obrađene su i analizirane u kontekstu smjernica Europskih zatvorskih pravila iz 2006. godine i Bankoških pravila iz 2010. godine. Radom su također obuhvaćene i različite nezatvorske i druge mjere koje su, između ostalih ciljeva, usmjerene na očuvanje odnosa djeteta i majke zatvorenice te na rehabilitaciju, psihosocijalnu podršku i resocijalizaciju zatvorenica. Zakonodavac je osigurao mehanizam ublažavanja negativnih socijalno – ekonomskih posljedica oduzimanja slobode na obiteljski život osuđenika i zatvorenika, a time i zaštite majčinstva zatvorenica određivanjem pravnih instituta poput mogućnosti preinake pravomoćne presude, istražnog zatvora u domu, odgode i prekida izvršenja zatvorske kazne, uvjetnog otpusta i drugih. Zaštita majčinstva zatvorenica, predviđena člankom 111. Zakona o izvršavanju kazne zatvora, djelomično je ostvarena obzirom da i dalje postoji potreba izjednačavanja prava sve djece zatvorenika bez obzira na formalnopravni status roditelja zatvorenika, kao i potreba ujednačavanja prava zatvorenika i istražnih zatvorenika u mjeri kojom se ne ugrožava kazneni postupak.
Abstract (english) This paper seeks to identify the existing mechanisms and level of protection of imprisoned mothers in the Republic of Croatia. Its aims at examining the instruments for the protection of the relationship between an imprisoned mother and her child(ren) and the protection of their rights and best interests throughout the various stages of the criminal procedure, as well as the position of these women in the prison system, considering their gender-specific needs. Issues related to health care, work and training of women prisoners and contact with the outside world as well as the arguments and experience of foreign prison systems with regard to the decision to allow children to stay with their mothers in penal institutions are analyzed in the context of the 2006 European Prison Rules and the Bangkok Rules adopted in 2010. The paper also examines various non-custodial and other types of measures aimed, among other things, at protecting the relationship between the child and the imprisoned mother, facilitating their rehabilitation and reintegration into society, and providing them with psychological and social assistance. A legal mechanism has been put in place to mitigate the negative social and economic consequences of depriving convicted and imprisoned individuals of their right to family life, which also protects imprisoned mothers by defining legal institutions such as the possibility of amending the final verdict, house arrest, postponement or stay of execution of imprisonment, parole, etc. The protection of the institution of motherhood in prison set forth in Article 111 of the Prison Sentence Execution Act has been only partially provided considering that the need still exists to ensure that children of all imprisoned persons have equal rights irrespective of the formal and legal status of their parents as well as the need to ensure that sentenced and remand prisoners have the same rights to the extent that this does not put at risk the criminal proceedings.
majčinstvo zatvorenica
zatvorenik kao roditelj
djeca zatvorenika
prava zatvorenica
Keywords (english)
motherhood in prison
imprisoned mother
prisoner as a parent
children of imprisoned persons
prisoner rights
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:545574
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-02-01 13:02:22