Title Ugovori o nalogu, punovlašću i komisiji
Title (english) Mandate Contracts, Powers of Attorney Commission Contracts
Author Hana Strnišćak
Mentor Dubravka Klasiček (mentor)
Committee member Vlado Belaj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davorin Pichler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Klasiček (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Civil Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-02-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law
Abstract Ugovor o nalogu uređen je Zakonom o obveznim odnosima u člancima 763. do 784. (Čuveljak 2010.) Njime se „obvezuje i ovlašćuje nalogoprimac poduzimati za račun nalogodavca određene poslove.“ Ovaj ugovor nastaje tako što nalogodavac upućuje jednostranu izjavu volje odnosno ponudu nalogoprimcu, a potonji istu prihvati. Nalog je temelj nastanka niza pravnih poslova koji su se zbog svojih posebnosti razvili u imenovane ugovore, a neki od njih su ugovor o komisiji i ugovor o punovlašću. (Čuveljak 2010.) Karakteristika koja veže ove ugovore jest da prihvatom naloga od strane nalogoprimca nastaje unutarnji ugovorni odnos između nalogodavca i nalogoprimca, a u izvršavanju obveza iz ugovora nalogoprimac stupa u vanjski odnos s trećim osobama i s njima sklapa ugovore za račun nalogodavca. (Čuveljak 2010.) Ugovorom o punovlašću obvezuje se nalogoprimac odnosno opunomoćenik temeljem dane mu punomoći, koja predstavlja ovlaštenje za zastupanje, obavljati za nalogodavca odnosno opunomoćitelja određene pravne poslove i to „u ime i za račun“ opunomoćitelja. Zastupanje „u ime i za račun“ drugoga znači da će se pravni učinci sklopljenoga pravnog posla odnositi neposredno na nalogodavca kao da je on sam osobno sklopio taj pravni posao. Ova vrsta zastupanja naziva se neposredno zastupstvo. Osim zastupanja „u ime i za račun“ nalogodavca, nalogoprimac može postupati i „u svoje ime, a za račun“ nalogodavca. U tom slučaju radit će se o posrednom zastupstvu odnosno ugovoru o komisiji gdje treće osobe s kojima nalogoprimac odnosno komisionar sklapa pravni posao ne moraju znati za unutarnji odnos između nalogodavca (komitent) i nalogoprimca (komisionar) temeljem kojega je potonji dužan prenijeti sva prava i koristi iz sklopljenoga pravnog posla na nalogodavca. Dakle, treće osobe sklapaju pravni posao s komisionarom koji nastupa u svoje ime te pritom one ne dolaze u doticaj s komitentom.
Abstract (english) A mandate contract is regulated by the Civil Obligations Act in Articles 763 to 784. (Čuveljak 2010.) The mandate contract is a contract „obligating and empowering the mandatary to perform certain acts for the account of the mandator.“ This contract is entered into when the mandator sends his/her unilateral declaration of will, i.e. an offer to the mandatary, and the latter accepts it. The mandate is the basis of a series of legal transactions that have developed due to their special features into the mentioned contracts, such as a commission contract and power of attorney. (Čuveljak 2010.) The common characteristic connecting these contracts is that an internal contractual relationship between the mandatary and the mandator arises from the acceptance of the mandate by the mandatary, and in the performance of the contractual obligations the mandatary enters into external relations with third parties and concludes contracts with them for the mandator's account. (Čuveljak 2010.) By the power of attorney, the mandatary, i.e. the authorised representative on the basis of the power of attorney, which is the authorization for representation, shall be obliged by the mandator, i.e. the principal, to perform certain legal affairs, „on the behalf and for the account“ of the mandator. Representation "on behalf of and for account" of another person means that the legal effects of the legal transaction concerned will relate directly to the principal as if he/she personally made that legal transaction. This kind of representation is called a direct representation. In addition to the "on behalf of and for account" representation of the principal, the mandatary may act "on his/her own behalf and for the account" of the principal. In such a case, it will be an indirect representation, i.e. a commission contract where third parties with whom the mandatary or commission agent enter into legal transaction does not have to know about the internal relationship between the mandator (principal) and the commission agent (mandatary) under which the latter has to transfer all rights and benefits from the concluded legal transaction on the mandator. Accordingly, third parties enter into a legal transaction with a commission agent who act on his/her own behalf without coming into contact with the principal.
pravni posao
Keywords (english)
power of attorney
legal transaction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:526299
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-06-28 07:00:22