Abstract | U ovome radu obradit će se pravni okvir udruga građana sa osvrtom na sportske udruge. Udruga je zapravo slobodno udruživanje građana što po samoj definiciji znači da građane nitko ne prisiljiva na udruživanje već se oni udružuju radi zaštite njihovih probitaka ili zauzimanja za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda te ekološka, humanitarna, informacijska, kulturna, nacionalna, pronatalitetna, prosvjetna, socijalna, strukovna, športska, tehnička, zdravstvena, znanstvena ili druga uvjerenja i ciljeve, a bez namjere stjecanja dobiti. Ukoliko i steknu dobit, udruga tu dobit smije koristiti samo za napredovanje i boljitak same udruge kao i za poslovanje te udruge što je određeno u statutu. Udruga je regulirana Zakonom o udrugama, a bitna su i načela udruge koja daju slikovito rečeno nacrt koja je svrha udruge i kako udruga djeluje. Dalje u radu ćemo pojasniti kako se udruga registrira, koja su joj tijela, kako udruga posluje odnosno koje gospodarske djelatnosti može obavljati te vrste nastanka udruge. Također, osim dosada navedenoga, dotaknut ćemo se i prestanka udruge, hoće li prestati likvidacijom ili stečajem i kako dijelimo imovinu u slučaju prestanka udruge. Za kraj rada, spomenut ćemo i športske udruge, što su, kako nastaju te jedno od važnijih stvari, a to je preoblikovanje športske udruge u športsko dioničko društvo. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will deal with the legal framework of citizen associations with a reference to sports associations. The association is in fact a free union of citizens, which by definition means that no one is forced to associate with each other, but they associate the protection of their prosperity or commitment to the protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as ecological, humanitarian, information, cultural, national, pronatality, professional, sporting, technical, medical, scientific or other beliefs and purposes, without the intention to obtain a profit. If they are to earn profits, the association must use that profit only to advance and improve the association itself as well as to the business of the association as written in the statute. It is regulated by the Associations Law, and the principles of the Association are also important, which provide a pictorial design what is the purpose of the association and how the association operates. In the paper we will clarify how the association registers, which of its bodies are, how the association operates, that is, which economic activities can be carried out by the association. Also in addition to the above mentioned, we will also touch on the closure of the association, whether to stop liquidation or fork and how we deal with the property in case of termination of the association. For the end of the work, we will mention sports associations, what are they, how one of the most important things emerges, and that is the transformation of a sports association into a sporting stockpile. |