Title Uloga indicija u kaznenom postupku : Diplomski rad
Title (english) The role of circumstancial evidence in criminal proceedings : Diploma paper
Author Filipina Gluhaković
Mentor Zvonimir Tomičić (mentor)
Committee member Mato Palić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Herceg Pakšić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Tomičić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Criminal Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology and Victimology
Abstract Predmet ovog rada je uloga indicija u kaznenom postupku, s posebnim osvrtom na upotrebu indicija u kriminalističkom istraživanju. Rad je koncipiran tako da započinje povijesnim razvojem samih indicija i njihovom ulogom u kaznenom postupku. Nadalje, obrađeni su neki temeljni pojmovi kao što je činjenično stanje i sam pojam činjenica, te načini utvrđivanja činjenica.Slijedi razrada odnosa dokaza u užem smislu riječi i činjenica te je utvrđeno da između činjenica i dokaza u užem smislu riječi postoji jasna i određena razlika jer su dokazi u užem smislu riječi izvori saznanja o činjenicama, a ne činjenice. Ovim radom je obuhvaćena i trodioba činjenica. Prikazano je i koje se činjenice ne smiju utvrđivati, a koje se ne trebaju utvrđivati iako su pojmovno predmet utvrđivanja. Osim pitanja tko utvrđuje činjenice, važna su i pitanja u kojem cilju to čini i u kojem opsegu se odvija djelatnost utvrđivanja činjenica. Iz tog razloga je spomenuto tko su tijela koja se bave utvrđivanjem činjenica u kaznenom postupku i s kojom uvjerenošću moraju biti utvrđene pravno relevantne činjenice pri donošenju pojedinih odluka. Obzirom da je tema ovog rada i poseban osvrt na upotrebu indicija u kriminalističkom istraživanju, ta cjelina je detaljnije obrađena samostalno. Već na početku ove cjeline možemo vidjeti da postoji jasna razlika između indicija u kaznenom postupku i indicija u kriminalističkom istraživanju. Radi lakšeg praćenja je definiran pojam kriminalistike, te obrađena podjela indicija u kriminalistici. U ovoj cjelini su detaljnije obrađeni značajni indiciji, te je objašnjena važnost indicija u kriminalističkom istraživanju. Nadalje su spomenuti i pojmovi značajni u kriminalistici kao što su indicijalni niz i zatvoreni krug indicija. Na samom kraju rada je objašnjena mogućnost presude bez nekih indicija, gdje je naveden i predmet nestanka njujorške balerine Irine Silverman.
Abstract (english) This paper deals with the role of circumstantial evidence in criminal proceedings with particular emphasis on the role of clue in criminal investigation. Paper is designed to start with the historical development of circumstantial evidence and their role in criminal proceedings. Furthermore, this paper deals with some fundamental concepts such as the factual state, the very notion of fact, and the fact-finding methods. Furthermore, this paper is trying to answer the questions: what is the relationship between evidence in the strict sense of the word and the facts. It was found that between facts and evidence in strict sense, there is clear and specific distinction, because the evidence in strict sense of the term are sources of knowledge of the facts, but they are not the facts. In this paper there is included the tripartite division of facts and it is shown which of them may not be established, and which of them can not be established even though they are conceptual object of establishment. Apart from the question who determines the facts, important issues are what is the purpose of him doing it, and in which range is the activity of fact-finding carried out. For this reason, it is mentioned who are authorities concerned with establishing facts in criminal proceedings and with which conviction the material facts must be determined in making certain decisions. Since this paper is also dealing with special focus on the role of circumstantial evidence in the criminal investigation, this subject is separately analyzed more into details. Even at the beginning of this unit, we can see that there is a clear distinction between the circumstantial evidence in criminal proceedings and the circumstantial evidence in the criminal investigation. In order to facilitate monitoring, the term of criminology is defined, and the distinction of circumstantial evidence in criminalistics is processed. In this section, important circumstantial evidence are discussed into details, and the importance of circumstantial evidence in the criminal investigation is explained. Furthermore, the concepts that are very important in criminology are mentioned, such as circumstantial sequence and closed-circuit indications. At the end of this paper, the possibility of a judgment without any circumstantial evidence is explained, and there is presented the case of the disappearance of the New York ballerina Irina Silverman.
činjenično stanje
kazneni postupka
kriminalističko istraživanje
indicijalni niz
zatvoreni krug indicija
Keywords (english)
ircumstantial evidence
factual state
criminal proceedings
criminal investigation
circumstantial sequence
closed-circuit indications
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:956622
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-01-10 11:03:22