Title Imenovanje arbitara u arbitraži
Title (english) Appointment of arbitrators in arbitration
Author Ivor Štefanović
Mentor Vjekoslav Puljko (mentor)
Committee member Dubravka Akšamović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Puljko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Predrag Zima (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of International Law) Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-09-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law International Law
Abstract Predmet ovog diplomskog rada je imenovanja arbitara u arbitražnom postupku. Taj postupak poznat je čovječanstvu još iz doba starih Grka, a današnja arbitraža globalno je popularan izvansudski način rješavanja sporova. Može se voditi kao ad hoc arbitraža u kojoj nema stalnog tijela nadležnog za postupak, te kao institucionlana u kojem se vođenje postupka prepušta nekoj unaprijed osnovanoj arbitražnoj instituciji. Unutar samog postupku nameće se kao jedan od najvažnijih dijelova odabir prikladnih arbitara i njihovo imenovanje. Stranke moraju odrediti žele li da o njihovom sporu odlučuje arbitar pojedinac ili vijeće od tri ili više članova. Osim toga, kad određuju broj članova moraju odrediti žele li paran ili neparan broj, te sukladno tome prilagoditi daljnje korake. Strankama se ostavlja slobodna volja da odaberu na koji način će biti izabrani arbitri. Ovdje im se pruža mogućnost da same određuju tko će biti izabrani suci ili da tu ulogu prepuste posredniku. Ta uloga može se prepustiti nekom unaprijed određenom ovlašteniku za imenovanje kod institucionalnih arbitraža ili se ta uloga može prepustiti ovlašteniku kojeg su stranke same odabrale. Prilikom izbora arbitara stranke moraju voditi računa da su arbitri nepristrani i nezavisni. U tome im pomažu Smjernice Međunarodne odvjetničke komore o sukobu interesa koje detaljno objašnjavaju koje okolnosti će arbitra činiti pristranim i zavisnim. Osim ovog uvjeta stranke mogu ugovoriti i druge potrebne kvalifikacije koje arbitar mora imati. Neke od najvažnijih su da arbitar ima poslovnu sposobnost, da je stručan, poznaje jezik i različitog državljanstva od stranaka. U trenutku imenovanja arbitar na sebe preuzima određene obveze. Obveze koje mu se nameću su da mora otkloniti okolnosti koje mogu probuditi opravdanu sumnju u njegovu nepristranost i zavisnost, te da postupak vodi efikasno i brzo. Uz to, arbitrima se nameće kao posebna obveza da povjerljive informacije koje saznaju tijekom postupka drže u tajnosti. Osim obveza, arbitri imaju i određena prava od kojih su ona najvažnija pravo na naknadu za svoj rad i pravo na naknadu troškova nastalih u vezi s arbitražom. Ukoliko arbitar ne udovoljava uvjetima oko kojih su se dogovorile stranke ili uvjetima propisanim mjerodavnim pravom, stranke mogu tražiti njegov opoziv. Ukoliko je arbitar uklonjen sa svoje pozicije na njegovo mjesto doći će zamjenski arbitar čiji će se postupak imenovanja voditi po onim pravilima po kojima se vodio i postupak zamijenjenog arbitra.
Abstract (english) Subject of this diploma paper is appointment of arbitrators in arbitration procedure. That procedure is known to mankind since era of the ancient Greeks, and modern arbitration is globally popular way solving disputes out of state courts. It can be conducted as ad hoc arbitration where no competent permament body exists, or as institutional arbitration where conduction of the procedure is handled by some in advanced set up arbitral institution. It is imposed within the procedure itself, as one of the most important parts, selection of suitable arbitrators and their appointment. Parties shall determine whether they want one arbitar or tribunal of three or more members to decide upon their dispute. Besides that, while determing the number of members they have to decide whether they want even or odd number, and adjust further steps according to that. Parties have autonomy to choose a way how to appoint arbitrators. Here they have opportunity to determine who will be chosen arbitrators by themselves or they can pass that role to intermediary. That role can be transferred to some in advanced chosen appointing authority, such in institutional arbitration, or the role can be transferred to appointing authority agreed by parties. During selection parties shall take into account arbitrators impartiality and independence. International Bar Association's Guidelines on Conflict of Interest helps them with that, and these provide detail explanation of circumstances that will make arbitrator partial and dependent. Aside of this requirement parties may agreen some other requests on quality that arbitrator must have. Some of the most important ones are that arbitrator has legal capacity, expertise, knows the language and has different citizenship from parties. In the moment of appointment arbitrator accept certain duties. Duties that are imposed are to disclose any circumstances that may give rise to justifiable doubt in his impartiality and independence, and to conduct the procedure efficiently and fast. Besides that, arbitrator has special duty to keep confidential informations obtained during the procedure as secret. Aside of duties, arbitrators have certain rights from which the most important ones are right on fee for their work and right on indemnity of costs incurred by arbitraion. If arbitrator does not fit under the conditions agreed by parties or conditions issued by applicable law, parties can recall them. If arbitrator is removed from its position, substitute arbitrator will come into his place who will be appointed under the same rules as its antecedent.
imenovanje arbitara
arbitražni postupak
Keywords (english)
appointment of arbitrators
arbitral procedure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:108827
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
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Created on 2020-02-18 12:10:18