Title Ustavno sudovanje u Hrvatskoj pravnoj tradiciji
Title (english) Constitutional Judicature in the Croatian Legal Tradiotion
Author Igor Milaković
Mentor Višnja Lachner (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Kasap (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Emina Jerković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Lachner (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Legal History) Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law History of Law and State
Abstract Tema autorovog diplomskog rada vrlo je opsežna. Predmet rada bio je istražiti ustavno sudovanje nekada i sada, počevši, od kakvo je bilo ustavno sudovanje prije 1963. kada se još nije formirala Socijalistička Federativna Republika Jugoslavija u ostalim dijelovima svijeta, ponajprije u Austriji. Nakon toga istraženo je ustavno sudovanje u bivšoj SFRJ, na području današnje Republike Hrvatske. U bivšoj SFRJ ustavno sudovanje je bilo puno drugačije nego u današnjoj Republici Hrvatskoj. Postojala su dva suda - Ustavni sud Jugoslavije i Ustavni sud Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske. Zatim je autor istražio raspad SFRJ i konstituiranje Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske. U posljednjem dijelu rada istraženo djelovanje Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske, njegovi najbitniji instituti i djelovanje, što zauzima vrlo bitan dio diplomskog rada. Što se tiče metoda koje je autor diplomskog rada koristio, tu je razna literatura, od knjiga, preko različitih propisa (različitih Ustava, zakona) do znanstvenih radova, i službenih stranica Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske. U samom radu najviše su korišteni propisi, ponajprije Ustavi i Ustavni zakon o Ustavnom sudu Republike Hrvatske, ali i knjige vezane za samo ustavno pravo te raspad Savezne Federativne Republike Jugoslavije. Autorov zaključak u samom diplomskom radu je taj da je Ustavni sud kroz povijest i kroz sadašnjost iznimno bitno tijelo koje bi trebalo biti neovisno od političkog utjecaja. Ustavni sud je i u bivšoj državi i u Republici Hrvatskoj od velike važnosti zato što ima širok djelokrug poslova. Ta iznimna važnost Ustavnih sudova ogleda se i u tome tko uopće može postati ustavnim sucem. Ustavni sudac ne može biti bilo tko, što je u diplomskom radu i navedeno. Autor diplomskog rada zaključio je da je nadležnost Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske veća od Ustavnog suda Socijalističke Republike Hrvatske, koja je bila u sastavu bivše Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, što je i logično. Autor je u posljednjem dijelu rada, koji je dosta dugačak, objasnio institute Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske, kako bi dočarao na koji način djeluje to bitno tijelo u našoj državi.
Abstract (english) The author`s thesis is very extensive. The subject of the paper was to investigate the Constitutional Court how it was then and how it is now, starting with the constitutional adjudication before 1963. when the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had not yet formed in others parts of the world, especially in Austria. After that, constitutional adjudication of the former SFRY in the territory of the present-day Republic of Croatia was investigated. In the former SFRY, the constitutional trial was much different in the present-day in the Republic of Croatia. There were two courts - the constitutional court of Yugoslavia and the constitutional court of the Federal Republic of Croatia. Then, the author investigated the dissolution of the SFRY and constituted the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. The last part of the paper examines the work of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, which the most important institutes and activities are, and that is the very important part of the thesis. Regarding the methods used by the author of the thesis, there is a variety of literature, from books through different regulations (different Constitutional law), to scientific papers and official pages of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia. In this paper, the most used are the regulations, first of all the Constitutions and the Constitutional law on the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, as well as books related to the constitutional right itself, as well as decomposition of the Socialist federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In his thesis, the author concluded that the Constitutional Court through history and through the present is an extremely important body that should be independent of political influence. The Constitutional Court is of great importance in both the former state and the Republic of Croatia because it has a wide range of jobs. This extreme importance of Constitutional courts mirrors in who can become constitutional judge at all. The Constitutional Court Judge cannot be anyone, which is explained in the thesis. The author of the thesis concluded that the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia is larger than the Constitutional court of the Federal Republic of Croatia, which was part of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which is logical. In the last part of the paper, which is quite long, the author explained the concept of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia in order to illustrate how that essential body in our state works.
Ustavni sud
Republika Hrvatska
Keywords (english)
Constitutional Court
Republic of Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:768081
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-02-20 08:07:45