Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada su prava i obveze ugovornih strana u ugovoru o alotmanu. Rad se sastoji od sedam osnovnih dijelova. U uvodu autor uvodi čitatelja u problematiku ugovora o alotmanu pojašnjavajući, prije svega, svrhu prava u turizmu i glavnim razlozima zašto dolazi do sklapanja predmetnog ugovora. U prvom dijelu rada autor govori općenito o turističkim ugovorima, njihovoj podjeli i važnosti za turizam. Drugi dio rada baziran je na pojmu ugovora o alotmanu, njegovoj pravnoj prirodi, sklapanju i raskidu istog. U trećem i četvrtom dijelu autor detaljnije navodi i pobliže objašnjava prava i obveze ugovornih strana odnosno putničke agencije i ugostitelja. Peti dio ovog diplomskog rada pojašnjava posebnu vrstu ugovora o alotmanu, ugovor o alotmanu s jamstvom punjenja. Autor ukazuje na obilježja koja ga razlikuju od običnog ugovora o alotmanu s pravom odustanka. Šesti dio posvećen je pravnom položaju gosta koji se pojavljuje kao treća strana ovog ugovora i ovlaštena je tražiti ispunjenje obveze. Analizom sudske prakse, u sedmom dijelu ovog diplomskog rada, autor pokušava ukazati na glavne probleme koji se javljaju u ugovornim odnosima proizašlim iz ugovora o alotmanu. Diplomski rad završen je zaključkom u kojem se rezimira sve rečeno uz poseban osvrt na problem prebukiranja u poslovnoj praksi.
Svrha ovog pravnog istraživanja je okvirno prikazati prava i obveze ugovornih strana u ugovoru o alotmanu i ukazati na najčešće probleme koji se javljaju u poslovnoj praksi kao i rješenje istih kroz sudsku praksu. |
Abstract (english) | This MA thesis, which consists of seven parts, aims at investigating and describing the rights and obligations of the contracting parties in the allotment contract. In the introduction, the author introduces the reader to the issue of the allotment contracts, explaining the purpose of law in tourism and the main reasons for coming to the conclusion of the underlying contract. In the first part, the author explains the tourist contracts, their classification and the importance for tourism. The second part is based on the notion of the allotment contract, its legal nature, the conclusion and the termination thereof. In the third and fourth part, the author lists and explains in detail the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, i.e. travel agencies and caterers. The fifth part of this MA thesis deals with the particular type of the allotment contract –the allotment contract with a warranty charge. The author points to the characteristics that distinguish it from the common allotment contract with the right of withdrawal. The sixth part is devoted to the legal position of the customer. Namely, he appears as a third contracting party in this contract and is authorized to ask for the fulfillment of obligations. In an analysis of the case law, which is described in the seventh part of this MA thesis, the author tries to point out the main problems that arise in contractual relationships resulting from the allotment contract. The conclusion, which summarizes the main points,with special reference tothe problem of overbooking, i.e. overbooking in business practices, comes at the end of the work.The purpose of this studyis to present the legal rights and obligations of the contracting parties in the allotment contract, point to the most common problems that occur in business practices and the solutions of the same through the case law. |