Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada su ugovor o građenju i nove Posebne uzance o građenju iz 2021. godine. Rad će primarno obrađivati odredbe ugovora o građenju, ali će pritom, uzgredno biti objašnjene i odredbe novih Uzanci o građenju koje obrađuju istu tematiku. Na taj će način biti prikazan cjelokupni mozaik najvažnijih odredaba i pravnih rješenja koja reguliraju problematiku ugovora o građenju u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu i koja time čine isprepletenu cjelinu. Budući da su građevinski poduhvati vrlo vrijedan i kompleksan spoj inženjerskih, građevinskih te ekonomskih znanja i izračuna, potrebna je precizna i dobro razrađena pravna regulacija koja je u suštini baza i zamašnjak građevinskih projekata. U hrvatskom pravnom sustavu postoji nekoliko izvora koji uređuju tematiku ugovora o građenju, a najvažniji su: Zakon o obveznim odnosima (NN br.35/05., 41/08., 125/11., 78/15., 29/18., 126/21.), Uzance o građenju (NN br. 137/21), Zakon o gradnji (NN 153/13., 20/17., 39/19., 125/19.) te, u manjoj mjeri, Zakon o poslovima i djelatnostima prostornog uređenja i gradnje (NN br. 78/15., 118/18., 110/19.) i Zakon o građevnim proizvodima (NN 76/13., 30/14., 130/17., 39/19., 118/20.).
Nastavno na navedeno, u ovome će radu biti prikazani: pojam, oblik i izvori ugovora o građenju, odnos ugovora o građenju i ugovora o djelu, nadzor gradnje, odstupanje od projekta, hitni nepredviđeni radovi, cijene radova i njihova izmjena, ugovor o građenju s odredbom „ključ u ruke“, ugovorna kazna, pregled i preuzimanje završenog djela, odgovornost za nedostatke, odgovornost za bitne zahtjeve za građevinu, prava naručitelja u slučaju nedostataka, dužnost obavještavanja i gubitak prava, smanjenje i isključenje odgovornosti izvođača, regresi te raskid ugovora. Kao što je prethodno navedeno, uz navedene aspekte ugovora o građenju bit će prikazane i odredbe iz Posebnih uzanci o građenju koje se dotiču te tematike, ali i odnos Posebnih uzanci o građenju s ugovornim i prisilnim odredbama te razlike između Posebnih uzanci o građenju iz 2021. godine i Posebnih uzanci o građenju iz 1977. godine. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this master's thesis is the construction contract and the new Special Construction Customs from 2021. The thesis will primarily deal with the provisions of the construction contract, but the provisions of the new Special Construction Customs, which deal with the same topic, will also be explained by the way. In this way, the entire mosaic of the most important provisions and legal solutions that regulate the issue of construction contracts in the Croatian legal system and which thus form an intertwined entirety will be presented. Since construction projects are a very valuable and complex combination of engineering, construction and economic knowledge and calculations, precise and well-developed legal regulation is also needed, since it is essentially the basis and flywheel of construction projects. There are several sources in the Croatian legal system that regulate the subject of construction contracts, the most important of which are: the Civil Obligations Act (NN 35/05, 41/08, 125/11, 78/15, 29/18, 126/21), Construction Customs (NN 137/21), Construction Act (NN 153/13, 20/17, 39/19, 125/19) and, to a lesser extent, The Act on Spatial Planning and Construction (NN 78/15, 118/18, 110/19) and the Construction Products Act (NN 76/13, 30/14, 130/17 , 39/19, 118/20).
Furthermore, this paper will present: the concept, form and sources of construction contracts, the relationship between construction contracts and service contracts, construction supervision, deviation from the project, urgent unforeseen works, prices of works and their modification, construction contract with “turnkey provision”, contractual penalty, inspection and acceptance of the completed work, liability for defects, liability for essential requirements for construction, rights of the client in case of defects, duty to notify and loss of rights, reduction and exclusion of contractor liability, recourse and termination of contract. As mentioned above, in addition to the mentioned aspects of the construction contract, the provisions of the Special Construction Customs related to this topic will also be presented, as well as the relationship of the Special Construction Customs with contractual and compulsory provisions and the differences between the 2021 Special Construction Customs and the 1977 Special Construction Regulations. |