Author Loris Laković
Mentor Antonija Zubović (mentor)
Committee member Sandra Winkler (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Zubović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vanja Smokvina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Department of Corporate and Financial Law) (Chair of Commercial Law and Corporate Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract U ovom radu se pobliže analizira primjena protupreuzimateljske mjere „otrovne pilule“ (engl. „poison pill“) koja je karakteristična za američko pravo, dok se u europskom i hrvatskom ne koristi kao takva, no postoje određene mjere s kojima se može uočiti sličnost.
Rad je podijeljen na šest poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju obrađuje se dioničko društvo općenito, njegovi organi te ovlasti tih organa koje je vrlo bitno za razumjeti s obzirom na to da se mjera „otrovnih pilula“ isključivo vezuje uz dionička društva.
U drugom poglavlju govori se o postupku preuzimanja koje je neophodno za korištenje bilo kakve protupreuzimateljske mjere pa tako i mjere koja je tema ovoga rada. U tome se poglavlju pobliže opisuju termini poput društva ponuditelja, ciljnog društva, ponude za preuzimanje itd. Vrlo je važno biti upoznat s tim pojmovima za bolje razumijevanje ovoga rada u cjelini.
U trećem poglavlju govori se općenito o protupreuzimateljskim mjerama. U tom odjeljku opisuju se različite vrste obrambenih mjera te se pobliže ocrtava koji organi dioničkog društva imaju ovlast za donošenja istih i to s usporedbom između američkog, europskog i hrvatskog prava.
Četvrto poglavlje donosi prikaz različitih vrsta „otrovnih pilula“ uz opis njihovog djelovanja i učinka koje one imaju na društvo ponuditelja, ciljno društvo te cijenu dionice. Isto tako, u ovom se poglavlju iznosi primjer „otrovne pilule“ u jednom američkom dioničkom društvu, a na samom kraju tog poglavlja opisuje se način na koji se društvo ponuditelj može obraniti od razornih ekonomskih učinaka te mjere po njihovo društvo.
U petom poglavlju opisuje se zašto primjena „otrovne pilule“ nije moguća u europskom pa tako ni u hrvatskom pravu. Ta se nemogućnost pripisuje primjeni načela jednakog položaja dioničara, pravu prvokupa te uređenju povećanja temeljnog kapitala dioničkog društva koji su pobliže analizirani u tom poglavlju. Naposlijetku, šesto poglavlje daje primjer alternative korištenju „otrovne pilule“ u europskom i hrvatskom pravu i to kroz odobreni temeljni kapital.
Ovim radom daje se potpuni pregled korištenja protupreuzimateljske mjere „otrovne pilule“ u postupku preuzimanja dioničkog društva te se pritom analiziraju njezini učinci koje ona ostvaruje svojom primjenom.
Abstract (english) This paper analyzes the application of the anti-takeover measure poison pill, which is characteristic of American law, while in European and Croatian it is not used as such, but there are some specific measures with which similarities can be observed.
The paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter describes the joint stock company in general, its bodies and the powers of these bodies, which is very important to understand given that the measure of poison pills is exclusively related to joint stock companies.
The second chapter discusses the takeover procedure that is necessary for the use of any anti-takeover measure, including the measure that is the subject of this paper. This chapter describes in more detail terms such as acquiring company, target company, takeover bid, etc. It is very important to be familiar with these terms to better understand this paper as a whole.
The third chapter discusses anti-takeover measures in general. This section describes the different types of defense measures and outlines in more detail which joint stock company bodies have the authority to adopt them, with a comparison between American, European and Croatian law.
The fourth chapter provides an overview of the different types of poison pills with a description of their action and effect on the acquiring company, the target company and the share price. Also, this chapter provides an example of a poison pill in a US joint stock company, and at the very end of this chapter it is described how an acquiring company can defend itself against the devastating economic effects of that measure on their company.
The fifth chapter describes why the use of the poison pill is not possible in European and thus in Croatian law. This impossibility is attributed to the principle of equal position of shareholders, the right of first refusal and the regulation of the increase of the share capital of a joint stock company, which are analyzed in more detail in this chapter.
Finally, chapter six provides an example of the alternative use of the poison pill in European and Croatian law through approved share capital.
This paper provides a complete overview of the use of anti-takeover measures poison pill in the process of taking over a joint stock company and describes its effects that it achieves through its application.
dioničko društvo
postupak preuzimanja
protupreuzimateljske mjere
„otrovne pilule“
Keywords (english)
joint stock company
takeover procedure
anti-takeover measures
poison pills
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:217838
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-21 10:26:37