Author Monika Brozinić
Mentor Sandra Winkler (mentor)
Committee member Adrijana Martinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Winkler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pošćić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Bračno pravo uređuje pojam braka i odnose u braku. Unutar bračnog prava, proučavati ćemo
sklapanje braka u građanskom obliku te sklapanje braka u vjerskom obliku s građanskim
učinkom. Razlike između ova dva oblika braka, odnose se na nadležnost tijela pred kojim se
brak sklapa te mjestu i načinu sklapanja braka. Učinci građanskog i vjerskog braka su isti, pa i
osnove njihova prestanka. Matičar je u postupku sklapanja braka vrlo bitna i važna osoba.
Zakonodavac mu namjenjuje nekoliko međusobno povezanih dužnosti koje omogućuju da
svečanost sklapanja braka teče uredno i da na kraju brak bude pravovaljano sklopljen.
Provjerava osobnu nazočnost budućih bračnih drugova, ističe važnost obiteljskog života,
osobno ih pita žele li sklopiti brak te činjenicu sklopljenog braka upisuje u maticu vjenčanih.
Izvadak iz matice vjenčanih prestavlja dokaz o sklopljenom braku.
Kod vjerskog braka s građanskim učincima, ne sudjeluje matičar, već samo službenik vjerske
zajednice. On obred vodi po pravilima kanonskog prava te se nakon završetka ceremonije muž
i žena, svjedok i službenik vjerske ajednice, potpisuju u crkvenu knjigu vjenčanja i na potvrdu.
Obveza je službenika vjerske zajednice da matičaru vrati potvrdu koju je izdao kako bi moglo
doći do upisa vjerskog braka u državnu maticu.
Bračno pravo sadrži odredbe o pretpostavkama za sklapanje braka. Podjela pretpostavaka je na
pretpostavke za postojanje braka i pretpostavke za valjanost braka. Pretpostavke za postojanje
braka, moraju biti kumulativno ispunjene, kako bi brak imao pravne učinke (različitost spolova,
suglasna izjava nevjeste i ženika o pristanku te sudjelovanje ovlaštenog predstavnika vjerske
zajednice). Kod pretpostavki za valjanost braka, pojavljuju se bračne smetnje koje
onemugućuje sklapanje braka. Riječ je o okolnostima koje su propisane kako bi se izbjeglo
sklapanje braka koji su s društvenog stajališta, nepoželjni.
Abstract (english) Matrimonial law governs the concept of marriage and marital relations. Within the matrimonial
law, we will study the conclusion of marriage in civil form and the conclusion of marriage in
religious form with civil effect. The differences between these two forms of marriage refer to
the jurisdiction of the body before which the marriage is concluded and the place and manner
of the marriage. The effects of civil and religious marriage are the same, including the grounds
for their termination. The registrar is a very essential and important person in the marriage
process. The legislator assigns him several interrelated duties that enable the marriage
ceremony to proceed properly and that in the end the marriage is validly concluded.
He checks the personal presence of future spouses, emphasizes the importance of family life,
personally asks them if they want to get married and enters the fact of the marriage in the
marriage register. An extract from the register of marriages is proof of a concluded marriage.
In the case of a religious marriage with civil effects, the registrar does not participate, but only
the official of the religious community. The ceremony is conducted according to the rules of
canon law, and after the ceremony, the husband and wife, the witness and the official of the
religious community, sign the church marriage book and the certificate. of religious marriage
in the state register.
Marriage law contains provisions on the prerequisites for entering into marriage. Presumptions
are divided into presumptions for the existence of marriage and presumptions for the validity
of marriage. The prerequisites for the existence of marriage must be cumulatively fulfilled, in
order for the marriage to have legal effects (difference between the sexes, a unanimous
declaration of consent by the bride and groom, and the participation of an authorized
representative of the religious community). In the case of assumptions for the validity of
marriage, there are marital obstacles that make it impossible to conclude a marriage. It is about
circumstances that are prescribed in order to avoid marriages that are undesirable from a social
point of view.
bračno pravo
pretpostavke za sklapanje braka
bračni drugovi
Keywords (english)
marriage law
prerequisites for marriage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:288261
Study programme Title: Undergraduate Professional Study Programme in Administration Studies Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-12 08:35:39