Author Janet Ponjević
Mentor Iva Tuhtan Grgić (mentor)
Committee member Vanja Smokvina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Tuhtan Grgić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Emilia Mišćenić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Department of Maritime and Transport Law) (Chair of Maritime and Transportation Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Autorica u ovom diplomskom radu analizira pomorske privilegije u pravnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske, te njihovo pravno uređenje i rješenja uspoređuje sa rješenjima na međunarodnoj razini. U uvodnom dijelu pojašnjava se pojam i svrha pomorskih privilegija. Pomorski privilegiji kao specifičan institut pomorskog prava u Republici Hrvatskoj uređeni su nacionalnim pravilima, no na međunarodnoj razini postoje i međunarodne konvencije koje uređuju pitanje pomorskih privilegija. Prvi dio rada posvećen je pojmu i pravnoj kvalifikaciji pomorskih privilegija. Pomorski privilegiji su zakonska založna prava. Krenuvši od samog pojma pomorskih privilegija, u radu se dalje analizira povijesni razvoj instituta u Republici Hrvatskoj, te njegova usporedba sa uređenjem u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Poseban naglasak stavlja se na međunarodnu unifikaciju pomorskih privilegija. U radu se nadalje analiziraju osnovna obilježja pomorskih privilegija, njihovo pravno uređenje u Republici Hrvatskoj s posebnim naglaskom na vrste privilegiranih tražbina i njihov redoslijed namirenja, prostiranje privilegija na brodu te identitet vjerovnika i dužnika. Također, navode se ovlasti privilegiranih vjerovnika i razlozi koji dovode do prestanka pomorskog privilegija. Kako bi privilegirani vjerovnici mogli namiriti svoju tražbinu na brodu imaju mogućnost zaustavljanja broda radi osiguranja tražbine, a upravo se privremena mjera zaustavljanja broda analizira u drugom dijelu ovog rada. Tako se detaljno obrađuju pojam i važnost privremene mjere zaustavljanja broda, te pravni izvori koji su dvojaki: nacionalni i međunarodni izvori. Nadalje, analiziraju se pretpostavke za određivanje privremene mjere zaustavljanja broda, te u odnosu na koje tražbine brod može biti zaustavljen, s posebnim naglaskom na brod opterećen pomorskim privilegijem. Posebna se pozornost posvećuje trajanju privremene mjere zaustavljanja broda i učinku polaganja jamstva. U posljednjem dijelu rada analizira se problem utvrđivanja mjerodavnog prava te utjecaj mjerodavnog prava na to hoće li neka tražbina biti privilegirana i na koji način će se utvrditi njen redoslijed prvenstva u namirenju na primjeru slučajeva iz pravne prakse. Autorica konačno u završetku sumira rad, te daje vlastita mišljenja i zaključke.
Abstract (english) In this master thesis, the author analyses maritime privilege in the legal system of the Republic of Croatia, and compares the legal system of the Republic of Croatia with legal regulation of maritime privilege on the international level. The introductory part of the paper primarily explains the basic concept and purpose of maritime privilege. Maritime privilege as a specific institute of maritime law is governed by national rules, but there are international conventions on maritime privilege at the international level, which the Republic of Croatia has not ratified. The first part of this paper is devoted to the concept and legal qualification of maritime privilege. Maritime privilege are rights in rem and can arise only based on law. Starting from there the paper further analyses the historical development in the Republic of Croatia and its comparison with the arrangement in the United States of America. Special emphasis is placed on the international unification of maritime privilege. The paper further analyses the basic characteristics of the maritime privilege, and their legal regulation in the Republic of Croatia with special emphasis on the types of privileged claims and their order in the settlement, the scope of maritime privilege on the ship and the identity of creditors and debtors to define as fully as possible segment of legal regulation. Also, the legal powers of privileged creditors are listed, and the reasons that lead to the termination of the maritime privilege. For privileged creditors to settle their claim on the ship, they have the possibility to arrest the ship to secure the claim, and the arrest of ships is analysed in the second part of this paper. The concept and importance of ship arrest will be dealt with in detail, also the legal sources are dual: national and international sources. Furthermore, the prerequisites of ship arrest, and in relation to which claims the ship can be arrested, with special emphasis on the ship with a maritime privilege. Particular attention shall be made on the duration of the measure of ship arrest and to the effect of depositing the warranty. In the last part this paper analyses the problem of determining the applicable law and what impact it has on whether a claim will be privileged and in what way will determine its order of priority on the example of cases from legal practice. The author finally summarizes the work in the end and gives her own opinions and conclusions.
pomorski privilegiji
zakonsko založno pravo
privremena mjera zaustavljanja broda
mjere osiguranja
mjerodavno pravo za privilegirane tražbine
Keywords (english)
maritime privilege
rights in rem
arrest of ship
insurance measures
applicable law for privileged claims
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:923333
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2023-10-23 10:04:28