Author Martina Polak
Mentor Maja Bukovac-Puvača (mentor)
Committee member Ana Pošćić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Bukovac-Puvača (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Martinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-02-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Hrvatski pravni sustav usvojio je podjelu nevaljanih pravnih
poslova, uključujući i ugovore, na
ništetne i pobojne pravne poslove. Pravni razlozi koji ukazuju na ništetnost ili pobojnost očituju
se u okviru osoba ovlaštenih isticati takve razloge, rokovima unutar kojih to može biti učinjeno,
te u određenim pravnim posljedicama koje iz toga proizlaze. Ništetnost se javlja u dva
pojmovna oblika, kao apsolutna i relativna ništetnost. Zakon o obveznim odnosima definira
ništetnost ugovora kao apsolutnu ništetnost, dok se pobojnost ističe kao relativna ništetnost. Za
valj anost pravn ih poslov a , moraju biti ispunjene određene pretpostavke, a jedna od njih je
valjano i suglasno očitovanje volje. Prilikom očitovanja volje u pravnim poslovima se očekuje
da volja stranaka i njezino očitovanje budu međusobno usklađeni. S obzirom na kompleksnost
psih ološkog procesa očitovanja volje, ponekad može nastati nesklad između stvarne volje jedne
strane i onoga što je očitovala kao svoju volju. U pravu se takav nesklad između volje i onoga
što se kao volja očituje naziva manom volje. Zakon om o obveznim odnosima predviđeni su
pravno relevantni slučajevi mana volje, u kojem su definirane pretpostavke koje moraju biti
ispunjene da bi se ugovor mogao poništiti zbog mana volje unutar propisanih rokova, odnosno
slučajevi kada je ugovor apsolutno ništetan zbog prisutnosti mana volje. Sud ska praksa ukazuje
na to da se nedovoljno i nepravilno razlikuju pretpostavke koje trebaju biti ispunjene da bi
ugovor bio ništetan ili pobojan. Pritom se postavlja pitanje o karakterističnim razlikama među
pretpos tavkama, te o pravnim učincima i posljedicama koje proizlaze za ugovaratelje ili njihove
sljednike glede ništetnosti ili pobojnosti, stoga je razlikovanje između navedena dva instituta
od iznimne važnosti.
Abstract (english) The Croatian legal system has adopted
the division of invalid legal transactions, including
contracts, into void and voidable legal transactions. The legal reasons indicating nullity or
voidability are evident within the scope of persons authorized to assert such reasons, the
timeframes within wh ich this can be done, and certain legal consequences that result from it.
Nullity occurs in two conceptual forms: absolute and relative nullity. The Law o f Obligations
defines the nullity of contracts as absolute nullity, while voidability is presented as relative
nullity. For the validity of legal transactions certain prerequisites must be fulfilled, one of
which is a valid and consensual expression of will. In legal transactions, it is expected that the
will of the parties and its manifestation are aligned with each other. Given the complexity of
the psycholog ical process of expressing will, sometimes a discrepancy may arise between the
actual will of one party and what the party has expressed as their will. In law, such a discrepancy
between will and its expression is termed a defect of will. The Law o f Obligations provides
legally relevant cases of defects of will, defining the prerequisites that must be met for a contract
to be annulled due to defects of will within prescribed periods, or cases when a contract is
absolutely void due to the presence of defects of will. Judicial practice indicates that the
prerequisites for a contract to be void or voidable are not sufficiently and properly distinguished.
This raises questions about the characteristic diff erences among the prerequisites, and about the
legal effects and consequences for the contractors or their successors regarding nullity or
voidability T herefore, distinguishing between these two institutes is of exceptional importance.
nevaljani pravni poslovi
očitovanje volje
mane volje
Keywords (english)
invalid legal transaction
void legal transaction
voidable legal transaction
expression of will
defects of will
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:413907
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-03-28 10:11:50