Abstract | U ovom radu obraĎuje se glavna rasprava u parničnom postupku koja zauzima centralno mjesto postupka. Prije glavne rasprave potrebno je provesti pripremne radnje koje se sastoje od prethodnog ispitivanja tuţbe gdje se provjeravaju procesne pretpostavke za postupak suĎenja, zatim dostavljanja tuţbe tuţeniku na odgovor, te njegovog očitovanja. Sljedeća radnja se sastoji od pripremnog ročišta gdje se izmeĎu ostalog raspravlja o prijedlozima stranaka, činjeničnim navodima, te predloţenim dokazima. Po završetku pripremnog ročišta donosi se rješenje o zaključenju prethodnog postupka, te se u novom institutu planu upravljanja postupkom zakazuje ročište za glavnu raspravu. Nadalje, kroz rad se obraĎuju osnovna načela glavne rasprave, kao i rukovoĎenje glavnom raspravom, počevši od javnosti glavne rasprave odnosno eventualnog ograničenja i isključenja javnosti, zatim odrţavanja reda na glavnoj raspravi, zaključenja glavne rasprave, te donošenja konačne odluke. TakoĎer, analizirati će se primjena modernih tehnologija u parničnom postupku, kao i uvoĎenje obveznog tonskog snimanja na ročištima. Zaključno, u radu će se analizirati i neka od otvorenih pitanja koja se tiču glavne rasprave, poput presumiranog povlačenja tuţbe kod izostanka s ročišta, zahtjeva za podnošenje pisanog očitovanja na navode suprotne strane, te isticanje materijalnopravnih prigovora nakon zaključenja prethodnog postupka. |
Abstract (english) | This work deals with the main discussion in the civil procedure, which occupies the central place of the procedure. Before the main hearing, it is necessary to carry out preparatory actions, which consist of a preliminary examination of the claim, where the procedural assumptions for the trial procedure are checked, then delivery of the claim to the defendant for a response, and his statement. The next action consists of a preliminary hearing where, among other things, the parties' proposals, factual allegations, and proposed evidence are discussed. At the end of the preliminary hearing, a decision is made on the conclusion of the previous procedure, and a hearing for the main hearing is scheduled in the new institute's procedure management plan. Furthermore, the work deals with the basic principles of the main hearing, as well as the management of the main hearing, starting with the public hearing, i.e. the possible restriction and exclusion of the public, then maintaining order at the hearing, concluding the hearing, and making the final decision. Also, the application of modern technologies in civil proceedings will be analyzed, as well as the introduction of mandatory audio recording at hearings. In conclusion, the work will also analyze some of the open issues concerning the main hearing, such as the presumed withdrawal of the lawsuit in case of absence from the hearing, the request to submit a written statement on the allegations of the opposing party, and the highlighting of substantive legal objections after the conclusion of the previous proceedings. |