Author Davorka Bosotina
Mentor Dionis Jurić (mentor)
Committee member Edita Čulinović-Herc (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dionis Jurić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Fabijanić Gagro (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka FACULTY OF LAW (Department of Corporate and Financial Law) (Chair of Commercial Law and Corporate Law) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2017-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Commercial and Company Law
Abstract Otvaranjem stečajnog i predstečajnog postupka dolazi do promjene pravnog položaja samog dužnika, a i prava vjerovnika prema dužniku. Ključan cilj navedenih isnolvencijskih postupaka je skupno namirene vjerovnika uz poštovanje načela in concorsu condicio omnium creditorum par est. Nužan preduvjet za poštivanje navedenog načela je zakonito i pravilno utvrđivanje samih vjerovničkih tražbina.
Kako bi se tražbina uopće mogla ispitati, vjerovnici ih prijavljuju, u stečajnom postupku stečajnom upravitelju, u predstečajnom postupku FINI. Stečajni zakon poznaje i situacije u kojima se smatra da je tražbina prijavljena, ali i tada mora biti evidentirana, bilo na prijedlogu za otvaranje predstečajnog postupka u predstečajnom postupku, bilo u popisima stečajnog upravitelja (radničke tražbine) u stečajnom postupku.
Vjerovničke tražbine mogu se utvrđivati (i ostvarivati) samo u okviru stečajnog postupku, na način da se prvo ispitaju na ispitnom ročištu. Po njegovom završetku sud donosi rješenje o priznatim i osporenim tražbinama. Valja naglasiti kako se na samom ispitnom ročištu ne utvrđuje osnovanost vjerovničkih tražbina, već sud upućuje vjerovnike da osnovanost svoje tražbine dokažu u parnici. Iznimno, ako vjerovnik posjeduje ovršnu ispravu, sud će osporavatelja uputiti u parnicu kako bi dokazao osnovanost svog osporavanja. Ako upućena stranka ne pokrene parnicu do isteka dilatornog roka, smatra se kako je odustala od svog zahtijeva.
Ulaskom u Europsku uniju, Uredba o stečajnom postupku postala je dijelom hrvatskog pravnog sustava. Navedena Uredba tijelima stečajnog postupka postavlja dodatne obveze u odnosima prema vjerovnicima iz drugih država članica, od kojih je, s aspekta utvrđivanja tražbina, najspornija obveza obavještavanje stranih vjerovnika o činjenici otvaranja stečajnog postupka koja domaće vjerovnike stavlja u nepovoljniji položaj.
Abstract (english) With the opening of the bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy proceedings, there is a change of the legal position of the debitor and the creditor's right to the debtor. The key objective of the above-mentioned insolvency proceedings is the bulk settlement of the creditors by respecting the principle in concorsu condicio omnium creditorum par est. A necessary precondition for compliance with this principle is the lawful and correct determination of the creditor's claims.
In order to be able to examine the claims at all, the creditors report them, in the bankruptcy proceedings to the bankruptcy trustee, in the pre-bankruptcy proceeding to Financial Agency. The bankruptcy law recognizes the situation in which the claim is considered to be reported, but it still must be recorded or on a proposal to open a pre- bankruptcy proceeding in the pre-bankruptcy proceeding, or in the bankruptcy trustee's (employee's claims) receipts lists.
Creditors claims can be determined (and exercised) only within the borders of the bankruptcy proceedings, by first examining them at the examination hearing. After the completion of the same, the court issues a decision on recognized and disputed claims. It should be emphasized that at the examination hearing itself the court does not determine the merits of the creditor's claims, but tells the creditors to prove the merits of their claims in a lawsuit. Exceptionally, if the creditor has an enforceable document, the court will advise the appellant to a lawsuit to prove the merits of his disputes. If the party does not initiate a lawsuit until the expiration of the dilatory date, it is considered as having waived its claim.
By entering the European Union, the regulation on bankruptcy proceedings became a part of the Croatian legal system. The mentioned Regulation imposes of on the bodies of bankruptcy proceeding additional obligations in their relation to creditors of other member states, from which, the aspect of the determination of claims, the most urgent obligation is to inform foreign creditors about the fact of opening a bankruptcy proceeding what places the domestic creditors in a less favorable position.
stečajni postupak
predstečajni postupak
utvrđivanje tražbine
osporavanje tražbine
stečajni vjerovnik
ispitno ročište
Keywords (english)
bankruptcy proceedings
pre-bankruptcy proceedings
determination of claims
dispute of claims
bankruptcy creditor
trial hearing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:118:724768
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-01-25 13:50:22