Abstract | Mjenica kao institut trgovačkog prava uređen je Zakonom o mjenici koji propisuje njene bitne i nebitne sastojke te prema obliku mjenicu dijeli na vlastitu i trasiranu. Pojam trasant označava osobu koja mjenicu izdaje, a trasat kao dužnik ima obvezu plaćanja mjenične svote remitentu, odnosno osobi kojoj ili po čijoj se naredbi mjenica mora isplatiti. Mjenica se može prenositi na dva načina, indosamentom ili cesijom. Indosament je način na koji se prenose vrijednosni papiri po naredbi, a time i mjenica obzirom da je mjenica vrijednosni papir. Bjanko mjenica je mjenica koja ne sadrži sve bitne sastojke, kako bi se oni naknadno ispunili. Akcept je izjava trasata o prihvatu mjenične obveze koju će platiti po njenoj dospjelosti. Da bi se osiguralo ispunjenje mjenične obveze nerijetko se koristi aval gdje je avalist u svojstvu mjeničnog jamca, a svojim potpisom jamči za isplatu mjenične svote. Mjeničnim regresom osigurava se pravo zakonitog imatelja mjenice da potražuje isplatu onda kada trasat odbije akcept ili isplatu mjeničnog iznosa. Ako nastupe činjenice kojima mjenica nije akceptirana ili nije isplaćena, podizanjem protesta moći će se od regresnih dužnika potraživati isplata. Zakonom o mjenici propisani su rokovi zastare mjeničnog potraživanja nakon čijih proteka dužnik više nema obvezu ispunjenja. Značajna za mjenicu je i amortizacija, odnosno sudski postupak kojim će se nestala ili uništena mjenica, na zahtjev imatelja mjenice proglasiti ništavom. |
Abstract (english) | Bill of exchange is an institute of commercial law, which is regulated by the Law for bills of exchange, which prescribes essential and non essential parts and, by the form, is divided as promissory note and the bill of exchange. Drawer is the person who issues a bill of exchange and drawee has the obligation to pay the bill to payee, namely to person to whom or by whose order the bill of exchange must be paid. Bill of exchange can be transferred on two ways: By the endorsement or assignment. Endorsement is a way to transfer debt securities by order, and thereby bill of exchange because, bill of exchange is a debt security. Blank draft is a draft which does not have all essential parts, in order that they will be fulfilled afterwards. Accept is a statement of drawer about acceptance of bill of exchange commitment being paid on the settlement day. For the purpose of accomplishment of the bill of exchange duty, frequently is used aval where the avalist is a guarantor for payment, with his signature. Regress of bill of exchange insures the right of lawful holder to claim the payment when the drawee refuses to accept or to pay the bill of exchange amount. If there appears the fact by which the bill of exchange is not accepted or paid, by raising protest will be possible to claim the payment from a debtor. By the Law for bills of exchange, there is prescribed limitation period where, after expiration date, the debtor does not have an obligation anymore. Very important for the bill of exchange is amortization, namely proceedings in which, disappeared or destroyed bill of exchange will be, by the request of its holder, proclaimed void. |