Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je pravni položaj osiguranika u kasko osiguranju motornih vozila. U radu analiziramo pravni položaj osiguranika kao slabije strane iz ugovora o kasko osiguranju motornih vozila uspoređujući ga s pravnim položajem osiguranika iz ugovora o osiguranju. Poseban osvrt stavljen je na osjetljivi dio pravnog odnosa, koji se tiče prava i obveza obje ugovorne strane tijekom cijelog razdoblja trajanja ugovora te isključenja i gubitaka prava iz ugovora o kasko osiguranju motornih vozila.
Uspoređujući svijet u kojemu živimo s vremenom koje je iza nas, postajemo svjesni velikog znanstvenog, tehnološkog i proizvodnog napretka. Međutim, unatoč vidnom napretku koje je čovječanstvo postiglo tijekom svog razvojnog puta jedna konstanta prati ljudski rod od njegovih početaka pa sve do današnjih dana, a to je ljudska potreba da sačuva, zaštiti i osigura svoju imovinu. Pretpostavka za normalno funkcioniranja tržišta osiguranja jest činjenica da na njemu potpuno ravnopravno sudjeluju dvije ugovorne strane; kupci osiguranja – osiguranici i ponuditelji usluga osiguranja – osiguratelji.
Međusobna ovisnost dviju ugovornih strana očituje se u tolikoj mjeri da jedni bez drugih ne mogu opstati. Osiguravatelji svjesni vlastitog položaja jače ugovorne strane iz ugovora o osiguranju, povjerenje osiguranika nastoje pridobiti kvalitetom usluge osiguranja, prihvatljivom premijom i korektnim odnosom.
Obvezno osiguranje od automobilske odgovornosti i dobrovoljno kasko osiguranje motornih vozila najzastupljenije su vrste osiguranja, a samim time s aspekta osiguratelja i najrentabilnije vrste osiguranja. Mnogobrojni rizici kojima su motorna vozila svakodnevno izložena dovode do nastanka različitih vrsta kasko osiguranja. Osiguranici vlastitom procjenom, između ponuđenih vrsta kasko osiguranja, odabiru onu za koju smatraju da će najpotpunije zaštiti njihovo motorno vozilo. Ovim završnim radom pokušati ćemo pobliže predočiti sve prednosti i nedostatke ugovora o kasko osiguranju motornih vozila, te ukazati na situacije u kojima bi se osiguranici mogli naći ostvarenjem osiguranog rizika. |
Abstract (english) | The subject of this final paper is the legal position of the insured person in Casco insurance of motor vehicles. The work analyzes the legal position of the insured person as a weaker side from the contract on Casco insurance of vehicles, comparing him with the legal position of the insured person from the insurance contract. A special look is placed on the sensitive part of the legal relationship regarding rights and obligations of the contractual parties during the entire duration of the contract and the cancellation and loss of rights from the contract of Casco insurance of vehicles.
Comparing the world in which we live in with the time behind us, we are becoming aware of the great, scientific, technological and production progress. However, regardless of the visible progress that mankind has achieved during his developmental road, one constant fact follows the human race from its beginning until today, and that is the human need to preserve, protect and insure its property. The assumption for a normally functioning market of insurance is the fact that two completely equal parties participate in it; the clients of insurance – insured persons and providers of the insurance service – insurers.
The mutual dependency of the two contractual parties is to such a degree that one cannot exist without the other. Insurers are aware of their own position as the stronger contractual party in the insurance contract, and with the trust of the insured person, they attempt to gain him with a quality insurance service, acceptable premiums and a correct relationship.
The obligatory insurance of automobile insurance and voluntary Casco insurance of motor vehicles is the most represented type of insurance, and with this, from the aspect of the insurer, it is the most profitable type of insurance. The numerous risks motor vehicles are exposed to on a daily basis lead to the occurrence of various types of Casco insurance. Insured persons, by their own evaluation, between the offered types of Casco insurance, choose the one they believe will protect their motor vehicle in the most complete way. With this paper, we will try to show all of the advantages and
disadvantages of a Casco insurance contract on motor vehicles and show situations where the insured persons could find themselves in by achieving an insured risk. |