Abstract | U ovom radu obrađena je tema Pravo na rad i sloboda rada prema acquis communautire, s ciljem teoretskog definiranja pojmova, ujedno i pravnih načela – prava na rad i slobode rada i pravnih izvora koji te pojmove uređuju na razini Europske zajednice.
Struktura rada raspodijeljena je na način da su prvo razrađena dva načela, a potom su obrađene različite vrste izvora prava Zajednice i naglasak je stavljen na pravne izvore koji uređuju pravo na rad i slobodu rada. Oba pojma uz svoje pravno shvaćanje imaju i šire shvaćanje, koje se može opisati kao društveno-političko, jer su bili predmet razmatranja od strane filozofa, politologa i dr., te su često bili u središtu društvenih sukobljavanja kod idealističkih težnji i zahtjeva za pravednijim uvjetima i pravima iz rada. Rad posebno naglasak stavlja na različite međunarodne i univerzalne dokumente koji pravo na rad štite kao osnovnu potrebu čovjeka, jer rad omogućuje ostvarivanje prihoda od kojih čovjek može živjeti, odnosno uzdržavati sebe i obitelj. S druge strane sloboda rada, koja predstavlja slobodu svakog čovjeka da bira svoje zaposlenje, mjesto gdje će se zaposliti, odnosno poslodavca kod kojega će raditi; obuhvaća i pojam prisilnog rada. Prisilni rad je i danas široko prisutan, posebno zahvaća ranjive skupine u društvu i teško je pratiti razmjere njegove prisutnosti, jer zbog same naravi takvog rada podatci o njemu nisu široko dostupni. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with the topic Right to work and freedom of work according to the acquis communautire, with the aim of theoretically defining the concepts, and also legal principles - right to work and freedom of work and legal sources that regulate these concepts at the level of the European Community.
The structure of the work is distributed in such a way that two principles are first elaborated, and then different types of sources of Community law are processed and emphasis is placed on legal sources that regulate the right to work and freedom of work. Both concepts, in addition to their legal meaning, also have a broader meaning, which can be described as socio-political, because they were the subject of consideration by philosophers, political scientists, etc., and were often at the center of social conflicts with idealistic aspirations and demands for fairer conditions and labor rights. The paper places special emphasis on various international and universal documents that protect the right to work as a basic human need, because work enables the realization of income from which a person can live, that is, support himself and his family. On the other hand, freedom of work, which represents the freedom of every person to choose his employment, the place where he will be employed, that is, the employer he will work for; it also includes the concept of forced labor. Forced labor is still widely present today, it especially affects vulnerable groups in society, and it is difficult to monitor the extent of its presence, because due to the very nature of such work, data on it is not widely available. |