Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je ugovor o gradnji broda. Ugovor o gradnji broda uređen je unutar Pomorskog Zakonika Republike Hrvatske koji je na snazi od 1.1.2020. godine.PrviPomorski zakonik, kao prvi sustavni zakon iz područja pomorstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, donesen je 1994. godine, a prije njega je bio na snazi Zakon o pomorskoj i unutrašnjoj plovidbi donesen 1977. godine u SFR Jugoslaviji. Pomorski zakonik uređuje javnopravne i imovinskopravne odnose povezane s morskim prostorom Republike Hrvatske, očuvanjem i zaštitom morskih bogatstava i morskog okoliša, pomorskom plovidbenom djelatnošću, te pomorskim objektima.Na ugovor o gradnji broda osim odredaba Pomorskog Zakonika koji se smatraju lex specialis, vrijede i odredbe Zakona o obveznim odnosima kao dopunski izvor.
U početnom dijelu ovoga radaukazuje se na značaj djelatnosti brodogradnje u Republici Hrvatskoj, koja ima veliki utjecaj na hrvatsko gospodarstvo i razvitak. Treći dio rada usmjeren je napravnu prirode i posebitosti ugovora o gradnji broda, te se također analizira i Upisnik brodova kao jedinstveni upisnik pomorskih objekata hrvatske državne pripadnosti.
Četvrti dio rada usmjeren je normativno uređenje ugovora o gradnji broda prema Pomorskom zakoniku te upućuje na važnost pisane forme kod sklapanja ugovora o gradnji broda i ostale bitne elemente toga ugovora, počevši od same definicije ugovora o gradnji broda, forme ugovora, sklapanja ugovora, vlasništva nad brodom u gradnji, dužnosti i obveza brodograditelja, nadzora nad gradnjom broda i vrste tih nadzora, odgovornosti za nedostatke, cijene, prava retencije, isporuke broda, zakašnjenja isporuke, više sile, zastare i ostalo.
U petom dijelu određena pozornost posvećena je i situacijama sklapanja ugovora o gradnji broda sa međunarodnim elementom, te pitanjima koje je pravo mjerodavno i koji je sud nadležan u takvim situacijama. Navode se i međunarodne konvencije bitne za unifikaciju pravila o gradnji broda, kao i najpoznatije formularne klauzule koje se najčešće koriste u praksi. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis is a shipbuilding contract. The shipbuilding contract is governed by the Maritime Code of the Republic of Croatia, which is in force as of January 1, 2020. The first Maritime Code, as the first systematic maritime law in the Republic of Croatia, was adopted in 1994, and before it, the Maritime and Inland Navigation Act adopted in 1977 in SFR Yugoslavia was in force. The Maritime Code regulates public law and property law relations related to the maritime space of the Republic of Croatia, the preservation and protection of marine resources and the marine environment, maritime navigation activities, and maritime facilities. In addition to the provisions of the Maritime Code, which are considered lex specialis, the provisions of the Obligatory Relations Act also apply to the shipbuilding contract as a supplementary source.
In the initial part of this paper, the significance of the shipbuilding industry in the Republic of Croatia, which has a great influence on the Croatian economy and development, is pointed out. The third part of the paper is focused on the legal nature and particularities of the shipbuilding contract, and also analyzes the Register of Ships as a unique register of maritime objects belonging to the Croatian state.
The fourth part of the paper focuses on the normative regulation of the shipbuilding contract according to the Maritime Code and points to the importance of the written form when concluding a shipbuilding contract and other essential elements of that contract, starting from the very definition of the shipbuilding contract, the form of the contract, the conclusion of the contract, the ownership of ship under construction, duties and obligations of the shipbuilder, supervision over the construction of the ship and types of such supervision, responsibility for defects, prices, rights of retention, delivery of the ship, late delivery, force majeure, statute of limitations and others.
In the fifth part, certain attention is paid to the situations of concluding a contract on the construction of a ship with an international element, and to the questions of which law is applicable and which court is competent in such situations. International conventions essential for the unification of shipbuilding rules are also listed, as well as the best-known formulary clauses that are most often used in practice. |