Author Marin Benutić
Mentor Davorin Rudolf (mentor)
Committee member DUŠKO LOZINA (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Davorin Rudolf (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petar Bačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Law Split
Defense date and country 2021-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law International Law
Abstract UNICEF je utemeljila 1946. Opća skupština UN-a kao privremeno pomoćno tijelo sa sjedištem u New Yorku radi pružanja pomoći djeci u poslijeratnoj Europi i Kini.Djeluje kao specijalizirano tijelo UN-a sa zadaćom zajedničke pomoći u poboljšanju zdravlja, prehrane, odgoja i općeg blagostanja djece u svijetu.Glavne su mu aktivnosti:prevencija i liječenje dječjih bolesti,prevencijski programi za zaštitu od širenja virusa HIV-a,isporuka hrane u područja zahvaćena elementarnim nepogodama i
... More ratom,izgradnja škola,vrtića i dječjih ustanova,obrazovanje učitelja i nastavnika.Na čelu UNICEF-a izvršni je direktor,a glavno mu je upravno tijelo izvršni odbor od 36 članova,predstavnika država (vlada), što ih,obično na trogodišnji mandat,bira Ekonomsko i socijalno vijeće UN-a. Cilj je UNICEF-a osigurati da svako dijete ostvari svoje pravo na zdravstvenu skrb, obrazovanje,zaštitu i jednakost.Tko god bilo.Gdje god živjelo.Svaka djevojčica,te svaki dječak.Svako dijete zaslužuje djetinjstvo i priliku da ostvari svoje snove. Prilikom izrade rada vodim seKonvencijom o pravima djeteta,koju su potpisale i ratificirale gotovo sve zemlje članice Ujedinjenih naroda.Svaka djevojčica i svaki dječak imaju pravo na ostvarenje svog punog potencijala.Velike promjene za djecu nisu moguće bez suradnje s partnerima, stoga UNICEF gradi partnerstva koja su važan preduvjet u osiguravanju sustavnih promjena na dobrobit svakog djeteta. Less
Abstract (english) UNICEF was established in 1946 by the UN General Assembly as a temporary subsidiary body based in New York to provide assistance to children in post-war Europe and China.It acts as a specialized body of the UN with the task of jointly helping to improve the health, nutrition,upbringing and general well-being of children in the world.Its main activities are: prevention and treatment of children's diseases, prevention programs to protect against the spread of HIV,food delivery to
... More areas affected by natural disasters and war,construction of schools,kindergartens and children's institutions, teacher education.UNICEF is headed by an Executive Director, and its main governing body is a 36-member executive committee, representing states (governments), usually elected by the UN Economic and Social Council for a three-year term. UNICEF aims to ensure that every child realizes their right to health care,education, protection and equality.Whoever it is.Wherever he lived. Every girl and every boy. Every child deserves a childhood and an opportunity to make their dreams come true. In drafting this paper,we are guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child,which has been signed and ratified by almost all United Nations member states.Every girl and every boy has the right to realize their full potential.Big changes for children are not possible without cooperation with partners,so UNICEF builds partnerships that are an important prerequisite for ensuring systematic change for the benefit of every child. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:170:403694
Study programme Title: Specialist administrative studies Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ica javne uprave (stručni/a specijalist/ica javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2021-07-05 08:42:40