Abstract | Hvarski statut redigiran je 1331. godine, pa se upravo obilježava 690 godina od njegovog
nastanka, što je i doprinijelo izboru teme ovog rada.
Kao pravni dokument Hvarske komune, Statut daje sažeti prikaz društvenog života komune,
kroz stoljeća, sve do propasti Mletačke republike 1797. godine. Pisan je latinskim jezikom i za
njegovog trajanja, Hvarska komuna je po ekonomskoj moći, sredinom 16. st., bila gospodarski
najbogatija komuna mletačke Dalmacije.
S obzirom da se Statut, pored zaštite ekonomskih odnosa, bavi i zaštitom ljudskih prava u
nekom elementarnom smislu, za današnje pojmove, poseban naglasak bit će na pravnom
položaju žene, a upravo zbog uvijek aktualne teme položaja žene u društvu. Kroz komparativni
prikaz instituta obiteljskog i bračnog, te nasljednog prava dalmatinskih statuta, dat će se osvrt
na pravni položaj žena, a posebno i kroz usporedbu instituta Korčulanskog i Hvarskog statuta,
kao statuta neretljanskog područja. |
Abstract (english) | The Hvar Statute was redacted in 1331., so currently, the 690'th anniversary of its creation is
marked, which contributed to the choice of the topic of this work.
As a legal document of the Hvar Commune, the Statute gives a concise overview of the social
life of the commune, through the centuries, until the collapse of the Venetian Republic in 1797.
Written in Latin and during its duration, the Hvar commune was the most economically rich in
Venetian Dalmatia in terms of economic power, in the middle of the 16th century.
Given that the Statute, in addition to protecting economic relations, also deals with the
protection of human rights in some elementary sense, in today's terms, special emphasis will be
placed on the legal position of women, precisely because of the ever-current topic of women's
position in society. Through a comparative overview of the institute of family and marriage and
inheritance law of Dalmatian statutes, a review of the legal position of women will be given,
especially through a comparison of the institutes of Korcula and Hvar statutes, as the statute of
Neretva area. |