Abstract | Radom je obrađen upravni spor, oblik sudske kontrole nad djelovanjem uprave koji ima za cilj zaštitu prava i pravnih interesa stranaka u upravnom sporu. Ideja o sudskoj kontroli razvila se početkom 19. stoljeća u sklopu demokratske ideologije građanskog društva, zajedno s idejama o podjeli vlasti, narodnoj suverenosti, vladavini prava i drugima. Upravno pravo u Hrvatskoj potječe iz 1922. godine, kada je donesen poseban Zakon kojim je Državni savjet rješavao upravne sporove. Godine 1991., nakon osamostaljenja Republike Hrvatske donesen je Zakon čije su odredbe uglavnom preuzete iz Zakona o upravnim sporovima SFRJ. Potreba za reformom upravnog sudovanja, a ujedno i pristupni pregovori doveli su do potrebe donošenja novog Zakona o upravnim sporovima (NN broj 20/10), a koji je stupio na snagu 1. siječnja 2012. godine. Uz manje izmjene danas je na snazi Zakon o upravnim sporovima (NN 20/10, 143/12, 152/14, 94/16, 29/17, 110/21).
U radu je prikazano pojmovno određenje upravnog spora, gdje primarni problem predstavlja činjenica da sam pojam nije zakonom definiran, stoga ustavnosudskoj praksi ostaje prosuditi radi li se o upravnoj stvari ili ne. Objašnjena je osnovna podjela sporova u hrvatskoj teoriji, te stranke u upravnom postupku i njihovo zastupanje. Nadalje, opisan je postupak pokretanja i tijeka upravnog spora, te pravni lijekovi. U zasebnoj cjelini obrađena je tema izvršenja sudskih odluka. |
Abstract (english) | With this paper, administrative disputes are described. Administrative dispute is a form of judicial control over the activities of the administration, which aims to protect the rights and legal interests of the parties involved into administrative disputes. The idea of judicial control developed in the early 19th century as part of the democratic ideology of civil society, along with the ideas of separation of powers, national sovereignty, rule of law, and others.
Administrative law in Croatia dates back to 1922, when a special law was passed by which the State Council resolved administrative disputes. In 1991, after the independence of the Republic of Croatia, the Law was passed, the provisions of which were largely taken from the Law on Administrative Disputes of the SFRY. The need to reform the administrative judiciary, as well as the accession negotiations, led to the need to adopt a new Law on Administrative Disputes (NN 20/10), which entered into force on 1 January 2012. With minor changes, the Administrative Disputes Act is in force today (NN 20/10, 143/12, 152/14, 94/16, 29/17, 110/21).
The paper presents the conceptual definition of an administrative dispute, where the primary problem is the fact that the concept itself is not defined by law, so the constitutional court practice remains to judge whether it is an administrative matter or not. The basic division of disputes in Croatian theory, and the parties in the administrative procedure and their representation are explained. Furthermore, the procedure for initiating and proceeding an administrative dispute, as well as legal remedies are described. The topic of execution of court decisions is dealt with in a separate section. |