Abstract | Terpeni su velika grupa prirodnih spojeva opće formule (C5H8)n. Kroz povijest su se
upotrebljavali i još se upotrebljavaju u razne svrhe i u svim područjima života kao što su:
proizvodnja parfema, medicina, prehrambena industrija. Poznato je oko 30 000 različitih
terpena (Baran, Maimone, 2007.), a njihova osnovna struktura izgrađena je od 2-
metilbutanske jedinice koja se često naziva i izoprenska jedinica. Na temelju broja n u općoj
formuli (C5H8)n ili broja C atoma terpeni se dijele na hemiterpene (C5), monoterpene (C10),
sesquiterpene (C15), diterpene (C20), sesterpeni (C25), triterpeni (C30), tetraterpeni (C40),
politerpeni (>C 40). Terpeni se često nazivaju i izoprenoidi. S obzirom na funkcijske skupine
terpene uglavnom čine ugljikovodici, alkoholi i njihovi glikozidi, eteri, aldehidi, ketoni,
karboksilne kiseline i esteri. |
Abstract (english) | Terpens are a large group of natural organic compounds of general formula (C5H8)n.
Throughout history they have been used and theystill are used for various purposes and in
all areas of life such as: the production of parfume, medicine, food industry. It is known
about 30,000 different terpenes ( Baran, Maimone, 2007.), and their basic structure is built
of 2-methylbutanoic unit is often called isoprene units. They can be classified on the basis of
value of n or number of carbon atoms present in the structure into hemiterpene (C5),
monoterpenes (C10), sesquiterpene (C15), diterpenes (C20), sesterpens (C25), triterpenes
(C30), tetraterpens (C40), polyterpenes (>40C). Terpenes are often called isoprenoids. Given
the nature of the functional group terpens mainly consist: hydrocarbons, alcohols and their
glycosides, ethers, aldehydes, ketons, carboxylic acids and esters. |