Abstract | Trudnoća je najvažniji period u životu svake žene praćen brojnim fiziološkim promjenama, tijekom kojeg treba posebnu pozornost posvetiti prehrani koja utječe kako na zdravlje majke tako i na zdravlje djeteta. Unatoč općem uvjerenju da je prehrana tijekom trudnoće adekvatna i okarakterizirana boljim prehrambenim navikama, brojna su istraživanja dokazala suprotno. Uz neadekvatnu prehranu, rizični čimbenici koji mogu dovesti do komplikacija i preranog poroda su visoka dob majke, visok indeks tjelesne mase (BMI) i visok dobitak na masi u trudnoći. Na trudnicama iz Osijeka (Istočna Hrvatska) provedena je randomizirana, obzervacijska, prospektivna longitudinalna studija. Metodom 24-satnog prisjećanja prikupljeni su podaci o kvaliteti prehrane. Žene su podijeljene u dvije skupine: prva skupina su bile žene s normalnim BMI-jem prije trudnoće i visokim dobitkom na masi u trudnoći, a druga skupina žene sa BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 prije trudnoće i visokim dobitkom na masi u trudnoći. Rezultati su pokazali da je prehrana energetski slaba, a unos masti i ugljikohidrata neuravnotežen. Za žene koje su počele trudnoću sa normalnim BMI-jem, veći utjecaj na ishod imala je ravnoteža u unosu specifičnih ugljikohidrata, posebno u prvom tromjesečju. Na ishod trudnoće u žena koje su na početku imale visok BMI, veći utjecaj imao je ukupan unos masti i specifičnih masnih kiselina, posebno u trećem tromjesečju. |
Abstract (english) | Pregnancy presents the most important period in every woman's life, partially for the number of physiological adaptations she is going through, partially for the expectance of new life. Diet during pregnancy is considered as one of the most important external factors affecting health of a child further in life. Despite of general belief that nutrition through pregnancy is adequate and is characterized with better nutritional habits, number of research are showing this is not the case. Additionally, unfavourable diet is together with advanced maternal age, high pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), and excessive pregnancy weight gain considered as significant risk factor for adverse pregnancy complications and outcomes, especially in terms of newborn. Randomized, observational, prospective, long-term study encompassed pregnant women from the area of city Osijek, Eastern Croatia. Based on 24-hour dietary record quality of nutrition was assessed for two subgroups of women: the first group of normal pre-pregnancy BMI and excessive pregnancy weight gain, and the second with overweight/obese BMI (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and excessive weight gain. The results have shown energy deficient diet throughout gestation, characterized with unbalance between intake of fats and carbohydrates.
For women starting pregnancy with normal BMI, from the aspect of pregnancy outcomes higher importance has the balance in specific carbohydrates. This is especially emphasized in the first trimester. On the other hand, for women at-risk, who start their pregnancy with overweight/obese BMI, from the aspect of pregnancy outcomes higher importance has the total intake of fats and specific fatty acids, especially during the third trimester. |