Abstract | Proučavanjem znanstvene i stručne literature u ovom radu se pobliže opisuje tehnološki proces proizvodnje piva. Pivo je prehrambeni proizvod koji se definira kao pjenušavo slabo alkoholno piće gorkog okusa i hmeljne arome što je rezultat alkoholnog vrenja pivske sladovine. Osnovni sastojci piva su slad, hmelj, voda i pivski kvasac. Opisane faze tehnološkog procesa su sljedeće: mljevenje slada, ukomljavanje slada, filtriranje sladovine, kuhanje sladovine s hmeljem, taloženje, hlađenje, fermentacija, odležavanje, filtracija piva i punjenje piva. Opisani procesi proizvodnje odnose se na craft pivovare koje prije svega stavljaju u prvi plan kvalitetu i zadovoljnog potrošača. Uz tehnološke aspekte proizvodnje, u ovom radu spominje se ekološka održivost pivovare, odnosno na koji način možemo iskoristiti nusproizvode kuhanja piva, te kako možemo smanjiti potrošnju energije. Dakle, opisuje se u proizvodnja craft piva, ali i postupak zelene tranzicije u kojoj se teži da pivovara bude ekološki samoodrživ i prihvatljiv sustav. |
Abstract (english) | By studying the scientific and professional literature, this paper describes the technological process of beer production in more detail. Beer is a food product that is defined as a sparkling weak alcoholic drink with a bitter taste and a hoppy aroma, which is the result of alcoholic fermentation of beer wort. The basic ingredients of beer are malt, hops, water and brewer's yeast. The described stages of the technological process are as follows: grinding malt, mashing malt, filtering wort, boiling wort with hops, sedimentation, cooling, fermentation, aging, beer filtration and beer bottling. The described production processes refer to craft breweries that, above all, put quality and satisfied consumers first. In addition to the technological aspects of production, this paper mentions the ecological sustainability of the brewery, which are, how we can use the by-products of brewing beer, and how we can reduce energy consumption. Therefore, the production of craft beer is described in detail, as well as the process of green transition in which the brewery strives to be an ecologically self-sustaining and acceptable system. |