Abstract | Pojam mikroalge obuhvaća dvije skupine jednostaničnih fotosintetskih mikroorganizama vrlo različite stanične građe i fiziologije: cijanobakterije (prokarioti) i fotosintetske protiste (eukarioti). Mikroalge zbog svog sastava i sposobnosti sinteze velikog broja biološki aktivnih spojeva predstavljaju vrijednu sirovinu za proizvodnju farmaceutskih, prehrambenih i kozmetičkih proizvoda (proteina, masnih kiselina, vitamina, antioksidanasa, pigmenata, lijekova i imunostimulanasa) te proizvodnju biogoriva (biodizela). Za uzgoj biomase mikroalgi koriste se bioreaktori otvorenog (jeftiniji, jednostavniji) i zatvorenog (skuplji, složeniji) tipa, pri čemu su prinosi u zatvorenim sustavima (takozvani fotobioreaktori) dvostruko veći zbog kontrole čimbenika proizvodnog procesa. U radu će se prikazati načini uzgoja mikroalgi (s naglaskom na uzgoj u fotobioreaktorima) te ukratko opisati mogućnosti korištenja biomase mikroalgi u već spomenutim industrijama. |
Abstract (english) | The term "microalgae" encompasses two groups of single-celled photosynthetic microorganisms with very different cellular structures and physiologies: cyanobacteria (prokaryotes) and photosynthetic protists (eukaryotes). Due to their composition and ability to synthesize a wide range of biologically active compounds, microalgae are valuable raw materials for the production of pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic products, including proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, pigments, drugs, and immunostimulants, as well as for biofuel production, such as biodiesel. Microalgae biomass is cultivated using either open (cheaper, simpler) or closed (more expensive, more complex) bioreactors. Yields in closed systems, known as photobioreactors, are typically twice as high due to better control over production factors. This work will present methods for cultivating microalgae, with a focus on photobioreactors, and will briefly describe the potential applications of microalgae biomass in the aforementioned industries. |