Abstract | Područje Moslavačke gore izgrađeno je od stijena različitog litološkog sastava. Predmet istraživanja bili su slabo vezani sedimenti miocenske (pontske) i pliocenske starosti, osnosno glinovite i pjeskovite taložine koje izdanjuju unutar potoka, bujičnjaka i usjeka građevinskih objekata. Zamijećeni izdanci su detaljno opisani, uzorkovani te je načinjena njihova fotodokumentacija pri čemu je skupljeno ukupno 45 uzoraka. Uzorci su zatim odvojeni na niz frakcija metodom šlemanja. Fosilni sadržaj unutar izdvojenih frakcija sedimenata izdvojen je i opisan. Zbog nedostatka zadovoljavajućeg postupka izradbe mikroskopskih izbrusaka iz nevezanih sedimenata osmišljena je metoda izradbe tvrdih pločica iz kojih ih je bilo moguće načiniti. Analiziran je mineralni sastav pri čemu su isti odvojeni na „gline“ i pijeske. Unutar svakog je određen mineralni sastav više od 150 zrna sedimenata, što je ukupno više od 5000 zrna iz svih izbrusaka zajedno. Na temelju navedenog provedena je statistička analiza mineralnog sastava. Unutar standardnih uzorka, onih čija je starost sigurna, uočena je jasna razlika u rasponu sadržaja određenih minerala. Ponajprije su to kvarcno-magmatskog i metamorfnog podrijetla te ona kvarcita. Prema tomu, uzorci su odvojeni na one miocenske i one pliocenske starosti. Načinjena je i usporedba s uzorcima pleistocenske starosti iz hidrogeološke bušotine pokraj Črnkovca. Na temelju terenskih i laboratorijskih istraživanja te rezultata statističke analize doneseni su zaključci o točnosti OGK područja te o razvoju istog za vrijeme miocena i pliocena. Navedeni zaključci mogli bi biti točniji i precizniji, ako bi se uzeo veći broj uzoraka sedimenata određene starosti, što bi omogućilo izradbu karata prostornog rasprostiranja određenih minerala i mineralnih zajednica. |
Abstract (english) | Abstract: The area of Moslavačka gora is built from rocks of various lithological content. The research objects were poorly consolidated Miocene (Pontian) and Pliocene sediments. The goals of research were clay and sand sediments that emerge inside brooks, torrents and as a consequence of road cutting. The perceived outcrops were described in detail and sampled. Furthermore, photo documentation was also made, during which a total of 45 samples were gathered. The samples were then divided in a series of fractions using the sieving method. The fossil content inside the divided sediment fractions was excluded and described. Due to the absence of a valid procedure of making microscopic thin sections from poorly consolidated sediments, a method using hard plates was devised to enable the procedure. Analysis of mineral content was made, dividing the content to "clays" and sands. Inside each sample, the mineral content of more than 150 grains of sediments was determined, which amounts to more than 5000 grains from all thin sections combined. Based on the latter, a statistic analysis of mineral content was made. In the standardized samples, of whose age we are certain; a significant difference was found in the variety of contents of certain minerals. Mostly, those are magmatic and metamorphic quartz and quartzite grains. Accordingly, the samples were divided to the Miocene and Pliocene categories. A comparison with Pleistocene samples from hydrogeological borehole nearby Črnkovec was also made. Based on laboratory and field research, as well as statistic analysis, the conclusions about accuracy of the basic geology map and the development of study area during Miocene and Pliocene were made. The following conclusions could have been more accurate, if a bigger sample size, of according age, were taken, which would, in turn, enable the making of areal mineral diversity maps of specific minerals and mineral collectives. |