Title Identifikacija i klasifikacija klizišta i erozije vizualnom interpretacijom digitalnoga modela reljefa Vinodolske udoline : doktorski rad
Title (english) Identification and classification of landslides and erosion phenomena using the visual interpretation of the Vinodol Valley digital elevation model : doctoral thesis
Author Petra Đomlija MBZ: 329610
Mentor Snježana Mihalić Arbanas (mentor)
Mentor Neven Bočić (mentor)
Committee member Željko Arbanas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Mihalić Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Bočić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martin Krkač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Abolmasov https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5439-2893 (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mining, Petroleum and Geology Engineering Geological Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
Abstract U ovom istraživanju analiziranaje morfologija površine Vinodolske udoline (64,57 km2)
metodom vizualne interpretacije digitalnoga modela reljefa visoke rezolucije bez vegetacije.
Digitalni model reljefa rezolucije 1 x 1 m izrađen je iz oblaka točaka dobivenih laserskim
skeniranjem iz zraka primjenom LiDAR tehnologije, koje je na području Vinodolske udoline
provedeno u ožujku 2012. godine. Iz digitalnoga modela reljefa izvedeno je devet
morfometrijskih karata, koje su vizualno analizirane
... More sa svrhom identifikacije i klasifikacije
geohazardnih procesa te identifikacije geomorfoloških jedinica u Vinodolskoj udolini.
Istraživanjem su najprije identificirane inženjerskogeološke jedinice Vinodolske udoline, jer
poznavanje vrsta materijala predstavlja preduvjet za klasifikaciju klizišta prema modificiranoj
Varnesovoj klasifikaciji klizišta i identifikaciju geomorfoloških jedinica. Izrađen je detaljni
geomorfološki inventar erozije Vinodolske udoline, koji obuhvaća erozijske oblike formirane
kao posljedica erozije izazvane površinskim tečenjem vode niz padinu. U Vinodolskoj udolini
identificirano je 236 jaruga. Izrađen je detaljni geomorfološki povijesni inventar klizišta
Vinodolske udoline, koji obuhvaća 10 tipova klizišta. Identificirane su 633 pojedinačne
pojave klizišta, od kojih su najbrojnije pojave klizanja debrita. Većina pojedinačnih pojava
klizišta identificirana je u jarugama, čime je potvrđena međusobna ovisnost odvijanja procesa
klizanja i erozije na gotovo cijelom području Vinodolske udoline. Identificirano je
11 geomorfoloških jedinica, koje se mogu koristiti kao kartografske jedinice za analizu
hazarda klizanja i erozije u Vinodolskoj udolini. Učinkovitost metode vizualne interpretacije
digitalnoga modela reljefa visoke rezolucije u kartiranju klizišta utvrđena je statističkom
analizom ocjena dodijeljenih morfometrijskim kartama za mogućnost preciznog iscrtavanja
granice pojediničanih dijelova klizišta pomoću Friedmanovog testa. Značaj doktorskog rada
je u doprinosu razvoja metodologije identifikacije i klasifikacije pojava klizišta i erozije te
inženjerskogeoloških i geomorfoloških značajki terena pomoću metode vizualne interpretacije
digitalnoga modela reljefa visoke rezolucije, kao i u doprinosu poznavanju pojava i procesa
klizanja i erozije u Vinodolskoj udolini te općenitom poznavanju geološke građe i
inženjerskogeoloških uvjeta na istraživanom prostoru. Less
Abstract (english) The subject of this scientific investigation is the analysis of morphological features of the
Vinodol Valley (64,57 km2), which was performed on the basis of the visual interpretation of
bare-earth high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM). For preparation of high-resolution
bare-earth DEM of the Vinodol Valley, airborne laser scanning was performed in March of
2012, by using the LiDAR technology. Nine different LiDAR topographic derivatives were
created from the collected elevation
... More data and visually analized in large-scale.
Geomorphological processes of sliding and erosion are active in the area of the Vinodol
Valley since historical time. Eventhough these processes cause characteristic surface
phenomena and significant economic losses, systematic scientific investigations of their types,
characteristics and spatial distribution in relation to geomorphological conditions of the
Vinodol Valley were never performed. The main focus of this investigation is identification
and classification of landslide and erosion phenomena (i.e., hazardous processes), and
identification of geomorphological units in the area of the Vinodol Valley. For the
identification of landslide and erosion phenomena, and also for the identification of
geomorphological units, specific criteria were developed on the basis of the preliminary
visual interpretation of the high-resolution LiDAR imagery. One of the main goals of the
investigation was creation of the detail geomorphological historical landslide inventory of the
Vinodol Valley. In order to create such landslide inventory by applying the modified Varnes
classification of landslides (Hungr et al., 2014), identification of materials involved in sliding
processes was required. In that purpose, the first step in this investigation was identification of
enginering geological units of the Vinodol Valley, on the basis of the type of material. In total
fourteen engineering geological units were identified in the Vinodol Valley, which were
classified to lithological complexes and lithological types. Engineering geological unit map of
the Vinodol Valley was prepared in scale 1:25 000. For the area of the Vinodol Valley, detail
geomorphological erosion inventory was created, which encompasses different erosion
phenomena caused by the soil erosion processes. Erosion inventory map of the Vinodol
Valley was prepared in scale 1:10 000. In total 236 gullies were identified in the Vinodol
Valley. Classifiaction of gullies was performed by applying Stream Order Classification
System (Strahler, 1952, 1957). Eight types of gullies were identified. For the area of the
Vinodol Valley, detail geomorphological historical landslide inventory was created, which
encompasses ten types of landslides (Hungr et al., 2014). Landslide inventory map of the
Vinodol Valley in scale 1:10 000 was prepared. For entirely 633 landslide phenomena, an
accurate landslide contour could be outlined, due to the remarkable landslide features
identified on LiDAR topographic derivatives. In the Vinodol Valley, the most abundand
landslide phenomena are debris slides (Hungr et al., 2014). The spatial landslide distribution
is distinctively irregular, whereas most of the identified debris slides are situated in numerous
gullies of different types. Such irregular spatial distribution of identified landslides confirms
the significant interrelation of hazardous processes in the Vinodol Valley. Hazardous
processes occur both in bedrock and in superficial slope deposits. On the basis of
identification of engineering geologial units of the Vinodol Valley (i.e., types of materials), as
well as identification of landslide and erosion phenomena, in total eleven geomorphological
units of the Vinodol Valley were identified. Geomorphological unit map of the Vinodol
Valley in scale 1:25 000 was prepared. Preparation of the landslide inventory map, erosion
inventory map and geomorphologial unit map provides the practical application of erosion
and landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment in the area of the Vinodol Valley during
future scientific investigations. Effectiveness of the visual interpretation of high-resolution
bare-earth DEM in landslide mapping was assessed by statistical analysis of grades assigned
to eight different LiDAR topographic derivatives for their potential of accurate delineation of
boundaries of different landslide parts. The statistical analysis was performed by using
Friedman test. Statistical analysis resulted in assignment of the main LiDAR-derived
topographic map which can be considered as the most effective topographic map for the
identification and delineation of boundary of given landslide part. This scientific investigation
has contributed to the development of methodology of the visual interpretation of the
topographic surface, and identification of sliding and erosion processes, on the basis of the
application of the high-resolution LiDAR-derived imagery. Investigation has also
significantly contributed to the general knowledge of the geological and engineering
geological conditions of the Vinodol Valley, and it has also provided the posibility of
practical application of achieved results in urban planning and construction. Less
inventar klizišta
inventar erozije
inženjerskogeološka jedinica
geomorfološka jedinica
vizualna interpretacija digitalnoga modela reljefa visoke rezolucije bez vegetacije
Vinodolska udolina
Keywords (english)
landslide inventory
erosion inventory
engineering geological unit
geomorphological unit
visual interpretation of high-resolution bare-earth DEM
Vinodol Valley
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:845076
Study programme Title: Applied Geosciences, Mining and Petroleum Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti)
Catalog URL http://katalog.nsk.hr/F/?func=direct&CON_LNG=ZAG&local_base=ZAG01_WEB&doc_number=000651180
Type of resource Text
Extent 527 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2020-07-20
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-11 11:41:31