Title Život u rubovima žilavog Kampusa
Title (english) Lively edges of resilient Campus
Author Mirta Stipeč
Mentor Ida Križaj Leko (mentor)
Mentor Jana Čulek (komentor)
Committee member Leo Modrčin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ida Križaj Leko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Deluka Tibljaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-02-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Science (Natural, Technical, Biomedical and Healthcare, Social and Humanistic Sciences)
Abstract Praznine riječkog Kampusa upućuju na nužnost preispitivanja barijera u komunikaciji te
stvaranja novih prostornih odnosa njihovom artikulacijom kako bi se kreirao zajednički prostor
koji potiče socijalnu interakciju. Tema rada je ukazivanje na probleme i potencijale u amorfnom
urbanom krajobrazu riječkog Kampusa koji neposredno utječu na ponašanje i komunikaciju
korisnika. Potrebno je preispitati mogućnosti razvoja Kampusa od izolirane i nadgledane enklave
grada do zajedničkog i dijeljenog teritorija. Postojeće granice prema susjedstvu i prirodi te rubovi
izgrađenih kuća najveća su barijera u postizanju heterogenosti i brojnosti prostornih i društvenih
formi kao jednim od elemenata žilavosti Kampusa. Slijedom navedenog, proizlazi i glavna teza
istraživanja, a koja definira rubove kao glavne generatore 'social condensera' u vanjskom prostoru
Kampusa. Društveni katalizator (eng. social condenser) Žilavog Kampusa je projektirani vanjski
prostor u rubovima koji potiče socijalnu interakciju i aktivnosti. Rubovi kao treći prostor prijelaza
na međi različitih entiteta nude potencijal za razvoj zajedničkih prostora. Stoga se u radu razvoj
novih društvenih i prostornih formi projektira uz rubove kuća, umjesto eksploatacije praznih polja
koja su dosegla određeni stupanj samoobnove koji treba očuvati. Rad razvija tematski različite
imaginarne scenarije čije je glavno ishodište ovojnica odabrane kuće Kampusa. Projektiranjem
kroz različita mjerila istražuju se smjerovi razvoja ovojnice i zajedničkog prostora te propituju
teme tehnologije i otpornosti na klimu, bioraznolikosti i programa uz osvrt na postojeće stanje.
Rezultat istraživanja služi razumijevanju odnosa izgrađenog i neizgrađenog okoliša u trećem
prostoru ruba, a spekulativni scenariji dokazuju važnost ovojnica kuća kao ključnog ishodišta
razvoja zajedničkih prostora socijalnih interakcija i aktivnosti
Abstract (english) The voids within the Rijeka Campus highlight the need to reassess communication barriers
and establish new spatial relationships by articulating them. This is essential for creating a
communal space that fosters social interaction. The focus of this project is to identify issues and
potentials within the shapeless urban landscape of the Rijeka Campus, directly influencing user
behavior and communication. There is a necessity to reevaluate the development prospects of the
Campus, transforming it from an isolated and monitored enclave into a shared and communal
territory. The existing barriers towards the neighborhood and nature, as well as the boundaries of
constructed houses, pose significant obstacles to achieving diversity and a wealth of spatial and
social forms, crucial elements for the resilience of the Campus. Consequently, the primary thesis
of the research emerges, defining the edges as the primary generators of the 'social condenser' in
the external space of the Campus. The 'Social Condenser' of the Resilient Campus is a deliberately
designed outdoor space along the edges that promotes social interaction and activities. Edges, as a
third space of transition between different entities, offer potential for the development of shared
spaces. Therefore, the project envisions the creation of new social and spatial forms along the
edges of houses, instead of exploiting vacant fields that have already undergone a certain level of
self-renewal and need preservation. The project explores various imaginary scenarios based on the
envelope of the selected Campus house. Designing through different criteria, it investigates the
directions for developing the envelope and common space, addressing topics such as technology
and climate resistance, biodiversity, and programs while reviewing the current situation. The
research results contribute to understanding the relationship between the built and unbuilt
environment in the third space of the edge. Speculative scenarios underscore the importance of
house envelopes as a crucial starting point for developing shared spaces that facilitate social
interactions and activities.
razgradnja ruba
zajednički prostor
treći prostor
mapa kampusa
spekulativni scenariji aktivnih rubova
Keywords (english)
common space
map of Campus
speculative scenario of lively edges
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:231:360230
Study programme Title: Urban Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica za urbane studije (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica za urbane studije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-02-20 11:23:26