Abstract | Suhi dok je građevinski objekt, bazen, u ravnini s tlom. Opremljen sustavom za odvođenje i dovođenje vode u bazen. Također opremljen svom opremom za izgradnju i remont broda. Suhi dok ima vodoravni ležaj, a porinuće se vrši naplavljivanjem bazena. Neke od prednosti gradnje broda u suhom doku su veća efikasnost gradnje, pri porinuću nije potrebno paziti na gaz i dužinu otplova. Nedostaci suhog doka su ograničenje dimenzija broda, veća potrošnja energije. Montaža u suhom doku jednaka je onoj na kosom navozu, te odabir sustava montaže ovisi o brodogradilištu. Sustav montaže može biti otočnog, poluotočnog, piramidalnog i prstenastog oblika. Kakav će način sustava montaže brodogradilište odabrati ovisi i o tehnologiji brodogradilišta.
Pri dokovanju broda za remont u suhom doku, brod u dok ulazi bez upaljenog pogona, pomoću tegljača. Najčešće se brod nalazi u maloj zategi, pa se kod ulaska broda u dok računa sila reakcije na potkladu, kod prvog dodira krmene statve na potkladu. Kad brod cijelom dužinom kobilice sjedne na potklade, težina broda se rasporedi na potklade, a zatim i na dok.
Kod implementacije suhog doka u postojeće brodogradilište prvo je potrebno napraviti analizu i ispitivanje tla i područja oko kojeg bi se izveo suhi dok. Za investiranje u tako veliki novi projekt, najbitnije je napraviti dugoročni plan, kako bi se investicija isplatila, te kako brodogradilište time ne bi ušlo u dugove. |
Abstract (english) | The dry dock is a construction including a pool level with the ground. The system is equipped with a mechanism to bring in and release water. It is also equipped to construct a repair ship. The dry dock will have a horizontal bearing and the launch will proceed by flooding the pool. Some of the benefits of building the ship on a dry dock include more building efficiency, at launch it is not necessary to worry about the beam or sail length. Disadvantages of the dry dock include limits to the dimensions of the ship and greater energy use. Mounting system in the dry dock is the same as any other. Selection of the mounting system depends on the shipyard. The shaoe of the mounting system may be island form, peninsular form, pyramid form or ring form. The type of moutning system that can be selected depends on the technology available in the shipyard.
When docking a repair ship in the dry dock the ship in the dock enters without power drive with help of a tug boat. Most of the time the boat is in low tension, so the reaction force in the subclass is calculated as the ship enters the doc at the first touch of the stern loom to the subclass. When the ship sits on the sub-blocks over the entire length of the keel, the weight of the ship is allocated to the substocks and then to the dock.
When implementing a dry dock into an existing shipyard, it is first necessary to analyze and test the soil and the area around which the dry dock would be built. To invest in such a big new project, the most important thing is to make a long-term plan so that the investment pays off and that the shipyard does not get into debt. |