Title Izrada uređaja za IR stimulaciju glave
Title (english) Realization of device for IR head stimulation
Author David Bačnar
Mentor Saša Vlahinić (mentor)
Committee member Viktor Sučić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Vlahinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Automation and Electronics) (Section of Measuring Systems) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract U ovom radu opisan proces apsorpcije valnih duljina svijetlosti u fotoakceptorima na kojemu
se temelji fotobiomodulacija, nabrojane su primjene fotobiomodulacije u medicini općenito, te su
objašnjeni načini, istraživanja i moguće primjene fotobiomodulacije mozga. Nadalje, prikazan je
komercijalan uređaj za fotobiomodulaciju mozga, te su objašnjeni pojedini parametri koji su
krucijalni pri izvođenju pravilnog tretmana fotobiomodulacije.
Nakon toga je napravljen dizajn kod kojega su proračunate i odabrane vrijednosti potrebnih
elemenata, te je realiziran sklop za generiranje pravokutnog valnog oblika radnog ciklusa od 50%
s mogućim odabirom između tri frekvencije modulacije napona i struje napajanja blisko
infracrvenih svijetlećih dioda. Realizirani su LED klasteri spajanjem svijetlećih dioda u seriju radi
smanjivanja gubitaka i uklanjanja potrebe za prilagodbu napona napajanja, koji su onda spojeni
paralelno. Svi su moduli montirani na kacigu „Ultracortex IV“ kao nosivu strukturu, klasteri su
pozicionirani na potrebna mjesta iznad željenih dijelova mozga koji se žele stimulirati, a napajanje
je realizirano prijenosnim USB napajanjem radi jednostavnosti i lakšeg korištenja.
Potom su izvedena mjerenja na dvije osobe pri dva različita stanja mozga, opušteno stanje pri
kojem se koristila foto stimulacija od 10 Hz i koncentrirano stanje pri kojem se koristila foto
stimulacija od 20 Hz, pri čemu se je mjerio EEG signal mozga prije i tijekom foto stimulacije
mozga. Nakon toga su izmjereni EEG signali obrađeni na način da se dobije spektri frekvencija
prije i tijekom foto stimulacije čijom usporedbom se došlo do zaključka ukoliko fotobiomodulacija
radi smetnje mjerenju EEG signala te ukoliko postoji utjecaj na rad mozga odnosno na spektar
EEG signala. Pri čemu se smatra da fotobiomodulacija nije radila smetnje na EEG te je kod jednog
ispitanika zapažena značajan utjecaj fotobiomodulacije na spektar EEG signala.
Abstract (english) This paper describes the process of absorption of wavelengths of light in photo acceptors, on
which photo biomodulation is based, lists the applications of photo biomodulation in medicine in
general, and explains the methods, studies and possible applications of brain photo biomodulation.
Furthermore, a commercial device for brain photo biomodulation is shown, and some parameters
that are crucial in performing the proper photo biomodulation treatment are explained.
After that, a circuit was designed and the values of the required elements were calculated and
selected, circuit for generating a rectangular duty cycle waveform of 50% was realized, with a
possible choice between three frequencies of modulating the supply voltage and current for the
near-infrared LED-s. LED clusters were implemented by connecting LED-s in series to reduce
losses and eliminate the need to adjust the supply voltage, which were then connected in parallel.
All modules were mounted on the "Ultracortex IV" helmet as a load-bearing structure, the clusters
are positioned in the necessary places above the desired parts of the brain to be stimulated, and the
power is provided by using portable USB power because of its simplicity and ease of use.
Measurements were made on two persons and were performed with two different brain states,
a relaxed condition using 10 Hz photo stimulation and a focused condition using 20 Hz photo
stimulation, measuring the brain's EEG signal before and during the brain photo stimulation.
Afterwards, the measured EEG signals were processed to obtain the frequency spectrum of before
and during photo stimulation, which were compared to conclude if photo biomodulation interferes
with the measurement of EEG signals and if there is an effect on brain function through the
spectrum of EEG signals. Photo biomodulation was considered not to have interfered with EEG
measurement, and a significant effect of photo biomodulation on the frequency spectrum of the
EEG signal was observed in one subjec
foto stimulacija
stimulacija mozga
stimulacija glave
svijetleća dioda
blisko infracrvena svijetlost
svjetlosna modulacija
LED klaster
srednji spektar
555 tajmer
generiranje signala
Keywords (english)
Photo biomodulation
photo stimulation
brain stimulation
head stimulation
light emitting diode
near infrared light
light modulation
LED cluster
mid spectrum
555 timer
signal generation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:277381
Study programme Title: Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-06-10 07:08:25