Title Optimizacija regulacije tlaka i protoka procesne tekućine na elektrolitičkoj liniji za obradu čelične trake
Title (english) Optimization of process fluid pressure and flow regulation on steel strip electrolytic tinning line
Author Karlo Čule
Mentor Neven Bulić (mentor)
Committee member Saša Vlahinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Bulić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Kirinčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Automation and Electronics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu analiziran je proces rješavanja inženjerskog problema regulacije protoka i tlaka na specifičnom industrijskom postrojenju. Proces je podijeljen u 9 koraka, odnosno poglavlja rada, što u konačnici daje ideju kako pristupiti i kvalitetno riješiti problem iz područja automatike.
U diplomskom radu korištena su znanja iz elektrotehnike i strojarstva. Rad kreće s analizom postrojenja i opisom samog sustava, njegovih zahtjeva, i principa rada pojedinih elemenata sustava. U tom dijelu se sustav dijeli u nekoliko dijelova, koji predstavljaju etape obrade čelika od ulaza u sustav do završnog proizvoda. Nakon objašnjavanja sustava za elektrolitičku obradu čelične trake, prelazi se na pregled tržišta sklopovskog dijela sustava, odnosno raznih PLC uređaja koji se koriste kao uređaji za pokretanje programske podrške sustava. Ovdje se daje pregled mogućih oblika komunikacijskih protokola u sustavu te principa povezivanja složenijih sustava u zajedničku cjelinu. Potom se objašnjavaju karakteristike određenih središnjih procesorskih jedinica PLC uređaja i na koje karakteristike obratiti pažnju. Kada se objasnila građa i karakteristike sklopovskog dijela sustava prelazi se na programsku podršku, gdje se navode mogući programski jezici za PLC uređaje te osnovna struktura programa za izradu programske podrške na PLC uređaju.
Poznavanjem sustava i mogućnosti sklopovskog dijela i programske podrške sustava, kreće se na izradu modela, odnosno pojednostavljivanje stvarnog sustava. Tu se određuju elementi koji će se koristiti u modelu sustava te se detaljno objašnjavaju pojedini elementi, kao što su izmjenjivač topline, sigurnosni proporcionalni ventil, pumpa itd. Za kraj se, poznavanjem svih elemenata sustava upravljanja i poznavanjem karakteristika sustava, izrađuje programska podrška, koja se na posljetku i vizualizira u programskim paketima Siemens Step7 i TIA portal.
Posebna, odvojena, cjelina rada je određivanje matematičkog modela diskretnog PID regulatora te njegova implementacija u sustav upravljanja. Daje se pregled metoda prelaska iz vremenske u diskretnu domenu, odnosno postupka diskretizacije PID regulatora. Također se dala posebna pažnja objašnjavanju parametara PID regulatora i njihovom utjecaju na odziv sustava.
Za kraj su se prikazali dijagrami rada sustava. Prikazani su načini rada: automatski način, ručni način i sigurnosni protokol za zaštitu sustava.
Abstract (english) In this graduate thesis it is analysed the process of solving an engineering problem of regulating the flow and pressure on a specific industrial plant. The process is divided into 9 steps or chapters, which ultimately gives the idea of how to approach and solve a problem in the area of automation.
In this thesis, it is used the knowledge from electrical and mechanical engineering. The paper deals with the analysis of the plant and describing the system itself, it’s requirements, and the working principle of the individual elements of the system. In this part, the system is divided into several parts, representing steel processing stages from the input to the system to the final product. After explaining the electrolytic processing of the steel strips, it goes to the overview of the market of the various PLCs used as systems for launching the software part of the control system. Here is an overview of possible forms of communication protocols in the system and the principle of connecting more complex systems to a common entity. Then explains the characteristics of certain central processor units of PLC devices and what characteristics to pay attention to. When the hardware and the features of the hardware are explained, it is explained the software part, where are mentioned the possible programming languages for PLC devices and the basic structure of a PLC program.
Knowing the system and the hardware and software capabilities, the real system is simplified and it is created the system simplified model. The elements that will be used in the model of the system are defined, and some elements such as heat exchanger, safety proportional valve, pump, etc., are explained in detail. At the end, by knowing all the elements of the control system and knowing the system characteristics, the software and the system visualization are made, using the programs Siemens Step7 and Siemens TIA portal.
A separate chapter is the determination of the mathematical model of the discrete PID regulator and its implementation in the software. An overview of the transition from time to discrete domain or the discretization of the PID controller, is given. Particular attention was paid to explaining PID regulator parameters and their impact on system time response.
In the end, the system diagrams are displayed. The modes that are shown are: Automatic Mode, Manual Mode, and Security protocol for protecting the system.
elektrolitička obrada čelika
komunikacijski protokol
model sustava
Step 7
TIA portal
PID regulator
diskretizacija regulatora
Keywords (english)
electrical engineering
mechanical engineering
electrolytic steel processing
communication protocol
system model
Step 7
TIA portal
PID controller
controller discretization
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:204418
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-07-16 10:24:33