Title Dinamičko modeliranje jednoobiteljske referentne zgrade nulte energije
Title (english) Dynamic modelling of a single family referent zero energy building
Author Ugo Gruden
Mentor Branimir Pavković (mentor)
Mentor Boris Delač (komentor)
Committee member Neven Lovrin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Cukor (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Pavković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Delač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Smokvina Hanza (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Vrcan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering) (Section of Refrigeration) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-01-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu postojeće obiteljske kuće sa tri etaže kakve su se gradile u
velikom broju u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća u primorskom dijelu Republike Hrvatske.
Radi se o objektima nižeg stupnja toplinske izolacije koji u izvornoj izvedbi godišnje troše
veliku količinu energije za grijanje. Cilj rada bio je provjeriti kako od postojećeg stanja
napraviti zgradu koja ima nisku ili gotovo nultu potrošnju energije. To je moguće postići
povećanjem stupnja toplinske
... More izolacije i nadogradnjom ili potpunom zamjenom
termotehničkih sustava grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije uz primjenu obnovljivih izvora energije.
Proračunom je utvrđeno da je za primorsku Hrvatsku dovoljno postaviti toplinsku izolaciju
debljine 6 cm mineralne vune na vanjskim zidovima kako bi se zadovoljili sadašnji propisi o
potrošnji energije za postojeće zgrade. Ugradnjom dodatnih sustava kao što su mehanička
ventilacija sa rekuperacijom i solarni kolektori i obnovom sustava grijanja sa kondenzacijskim
kotlom na prirodni plin ili primjenom dizalice topline zrak – voda za grijanje i hlađenje,
moguće je postići još niže razine potrošnje energije i približiti se slučaju zgrade sa gotovo
nultom potrošnjom energije. Analiza je također obuhvatila i potrošnju primarne energije te
godišnjeg troška pogona sustava. Po niskoj razini potrošnje primarne energije i niskim
troškovima izdvaja se slučaj sa dizalicom topline S7 i slučaj S4 sa kondenzacijskim kotlom i
solarnim sustavom za grijanje potrošne tople vode. Kada se uzmu u obzir i investicijski
troškovi sustava, složeni sustavi koji sadrže dizalicu topline, ventilokonvektore i solarne
panele (S4, S5, S6, S7) ne pokazuju ekonomske prednosti u odnosu na jednostavnije sustava
zbog visokih investicijkih troškova. Najekonomičniji sustav je sustav sa kotlom na prirodni
plin, bez mehaničke ventilacije sa povratom topline (S2). Od sustava sa niskom potrošnjom
energije najbolji je sustav sa solarnim kolektorima i mehaničkom ventilacijom sa povratom
topline (S4) koji za najnižu potrošnju primarne energije ima ujedno i najniže troškove.
U radu je na stvarnom primjeru pokazan potencijal energetske obnove zgrade s lošim
toplinskim karakteristikama koja uz analizirane zahvate može postići vrlo nisku razinu
potrošnje energije. Less
Abstract (english) The main purpose of this thesis is to perform a numerical thermal simulation over a period of
one year on a model of a building. The model represents a family house with three
apartments, which is the heated part of the house, and other adjacent auxiliary spaces which
are not heated. For the purpose of this simulation, an old building with modest thermal
characteristics was chosen because it represents a typical house built in the second half of the
twentieth century in costal
... More Croatia. The simulation takes in consideration heat transfer of the
object to the surroundings and the usage of various HVAC installations. In order to determine
what should be done during the renovation of such house, to reduce the overall energy
consumption, several cases were considered. Cases with various thicknesses of the external
insulation (from 6 to 10 cm) and with various types of heating, cooling and ventilation
systems were compared. Cases with the usage of renewable energy with solar collectors and
heat pumps were also considered. Although the initial case had very poor thermal
characteristics and high annual energy consumption, the renewed version showed very good
results and a low energy demand. The low energy consumption was achieved with the
renewed facade with 8 cm of mineral wool and the usage of mechanical ventilation with heat
recovery. The best results for house and domestic hot water heating were achieved in the case
with a low temperature furnace coupled with a solar system (S4) and also in the case with a
heat pump (S7). The analysis also included the consumption of primary energy, for which the
case with the heat pump (S7) and the case with hot water solar collectors (S4) showed best
performance. The final stage of the analysis considered the investment costs related to supply
and installation of all materials required for thermal insulation of the house as well as HVAC
equipment for all analysed cases. The calculation considered the total cost and the distribution
of costs per year of exploitation. The results showed that cases S4, S5, S6, S7 and S8 have
high initial investment cost and therefore in total the cost become less economical. Case S2
has been identified as the economically best solution while case S4 as the least energy
consumption solution.
The simulation confirmed that even from an old building with high energy demand, with the
right insulation and proper HVAC system, a renewed building with very low annual energy
consumption can be obtained. Less
dinamičko modeliranje
referentna zgrada
zgrada gotovo nulte energije
numerička simulacija
obnovljivi izvori energija
dizalica topline
primarna energija
Keywords (english)
numerical simulation
dynamic modelling
referent zero energy building
heat pump
heat recovery
primary energy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:074107
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-24 12:44:33