Title Algoritm selektivne eliminacije harmonika za primjenu na srednjenaponskim elektromotornim pogonima
Title (english) Selective harmonic elimination algorithm for medium voltage drives
Author Petra Kokotović
Mentor Neven Bulić (mentor)
Committee member Zlatan Car (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Bulić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Matika (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Automation and Electronics) (Section of Electronics, Robotics and Automation) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract U prvom dijelu su izrađeni modeli transformatora sa serijskim spojem primara (IIIy0-Yd11) i
transformatora Dy11. Napravljen je proračun parametara transformatora prema podacima danim
u dokumentaciji te je točnost izračunatih parametara provjerena pokusom kratkog spoja na primaru
i pokusom kratkog spoja na sekundaru. Također, napravljeni su nadomjesni modeli oba
transformatora s parametrima svedenim na primarnu stranu a na temelju tih nadomjesnih modela
i modeli u dq sustavu. Međutim, modeli u dq sustavu te proračun signala za rasprezanje i
unaprijednih signala koji su potrebni za regulacijske strukture nisu prikazani u sklopu rada zbog
poslovne tajne. Nakon provjere točnosti svih izvedenih modela usporedbom s „originalnim“
modelom transformatora, izrađene su regulacijske strukture za oba modelirana transformatora. Za
slučaj transformatora sa serijskim spojem primara modelirana je regulacijska struktura s
trorazinskim NPC-om koji radi kao aktivni energetski pretvarač za napajanje istosmjernog
međukruga na svakoj od LV strana (dvostruka AFE regulacijska struktura). U tom slučaju je riječ
o kaskadnoj regulacijskoj strukturi koja ima dijeljeni vanjski regulator istosmjernog međukruga te
unutarnje PI strujne regulatore. Za slučaj transformatora Dy11 regulacijska struktura ima samo
jedan NPC koji radi kao AFE (jednostruka AFE regulacijska struktura). Struja se uzorkuje u
fiksnom abc sustavu.
U drugom dijelu je obrađena selektivna eliminacija harmonika (SHE). Ispitan je postojeći
algoritam za potpunu eliminaciju 5., 7., 11. i 13. harmonika koji koristi Newton-Raphson metodu,
te je za istu primjenu napravljen i algoritam koji koristi fmincon rješavač. Također, isto je
napravljeno i za slučaj djelomične eliminacije tih viših harmonika. Zbog pojave višestrukih
rezonancija u mreži, potrebno je bilo proširiti rješavanje nelinearnog sustava jednadžbi za 5., 7.,
11. i 13. harmonik na optimizacijski problem gdje je uz rješavanje tog nelinearnog sustava bilo
potrebno i minimizirati 29., 31., 35. i 37. harmonik. Opisano je nekoliko optimizacijskih problema
koji su se pokušali rješiti fmincon rješavačem. Dani su rezultati ispitivanja izrađenih algoritama u
regulacijskoj strukturi s Dy11 transformatorom.
Abstract (english) In the first part, models of transformers with serial connection of primary (IIIy0-Yd11) and
transformer Dy11 were developed. A calculation of the transformer parameters was made
according to the data given in the documentation, and the accuracy of the calculated parameters
was checked by a short-circuit test on the primary (HV side shorted) and a short-circuit test on the
secondary side (LV side shorted). Also, equivalent models of both transformers with parameters
referred to the primary side were developed. Based on these equivalent models, models in the dq
system were developed. However, the models in the dq system and the calculation of the
decoupling signals and feedforward signals required for the control structures are not shown in the
paper due to trade secrets. After checking the accuracy of all developed models by comparison
with the "original" model of the transformer, control structures were made for both modeled
transformers. For the case of a transformer with primaries connected in series, a control structure
with a three-level NPC was modeled, which acts as an active power converter for supplying a DC
link on each of the LV sides (double AFE control structure). In this case, it is a cascade control
structure that has a shared external DC link controller and internal PI current controllers. For the
case of a Dy11 transformer, the control structure has only one NPC that acts as an AFE (single
AFE control structure). The current is sampled in a fixed abc system.
The second part deals with selective harmonic elimination (SHE). The existing algorithm for
complete elimination of the 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics using the Newton-Raphson method
was tested, and an algorithm using the fmincon solver for the same application was developed.
Also, the same was done in case of partial elimination of these higher harmonics. Due to the
appearance of multiple resonances, it was necessary to extend the solution of the nonlinear system
of equations for 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonics to the optimization problem where in addition
to solving this nonlinear system it was necessary to minimize 29th, 31st, 35th and 37th harmonic.
Several optimization problems that have been tried to solve with the fmincon solver have been
described. The results of testing the developed algorithms in the control structure with a Dy11
transformer are given.
trorazinski diodno pritegnuti NPC
PI regulatori
višestruke rezonancije u mreži
Keywords (english)
three-level NPC
PI controllers
multiple resonances
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:337099
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-03 09:25:11