Title Projekt sustava za obradu, grijanje i distribuciju vode za vanjski bazen
Title (english) Outdoor Swimming Pool Systems Design
Author Sanja Zrinšćak Sergo
Mentor Igor Wolf (mentor)
Committee member Kristian Lenić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Wolf (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Bonefačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering) (Section of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Predmetni bazen nalazi se u sklopu obiteljske kuće smještene na području grada Poreča. Bazen je
tlocrtne površine 58 m2
, dubine 1,35 m, odnosno volumena 78,3 m3
Cilj glavnog projekta bazenske tehnike je predvidjeti sustav pripreme bazenske vode koji će
zadovoljiti neophodne uvjete sukladno Pravilniku o sanitarno tehničkim i higijenskim uvjetima te
zdravstvenoj ispravnosti bazenskih voda (NN107/12).
Ovim je radom izvršen proračun i odabir opreme za potrebe filtracije, kemijskog tretmana,
cirkulacije, grijanja bazenske vode te svih elementa potrebnih za nesmetani rad sustava.
Za potrebe filtracije bazenske vode odabran je brzi zatvoreni tlačni pješčani filtar izrađen od
poliestera ojačanog staklenim vlaknima, predviđeni za radni tlak do max. 2,5 bara. Opremljen je
armaturom za ručno upravljanje radom – pranjem filtera. Filter omogućuje brzinu filtriranja od
v=50 m/h za filtraciju bazenske vode. Za pranje filtera koristi se voda iz bazena.
Za kontrolu kvalitete vode u bazenu, predviđena je ugradnja opreme za automatsko mjerenje i
regulaciju količine slobodnog klora i pH vrijednost bazenske vode. Izmjerena vrijednost
posljedično upravlja radom dozirnih pumpi za klornu otopinu, kao i kiselinu za snižavanje pH
vrijednosti bazenske vode.
Također, ovim je radom izveden proračun ukupnih toplinskih gubitaka i dobitaka bazenske vode
temeljem kojih je odabrana oprema za grijanje iste.
Toplinskom bilancom obuhvaćeni su toplinski gubici ishlapljivanjem, konvekcijom, zračenjem,
transmisijom, gubici zbog dovođenja svježe vode i toplinski dobici apsorpcijiom.
Energetsko ekonomskom analizom izvedena je usporedba korištenja sustava solarnih kolektora i
dizalice topline. Temeljem analize, kao ekonomski opravdana investicija za potrebe grijanja
bazena, odabran je sustav koji se sastoji od dizalice topline, te dodatnog električnog grijača za
potrebe vršnih opterećenja.
Iako je Sunčeva energija prirodan, obnovljiv i besplatan izvor energije, visoki troškovi početne
investicije često su razlog njenog nekorištenja.
Abstract (english) The pool in question is located within a family house located in the city of Porec. The pool has a
floor area of 58 m2
, a depth of 1.35 m and a volume of 78.3 m3
The aim of the main project of pool technology is to envisage a pool water preparation system
that will meet the necessary conditions in accordance with the Ordinance on sanitary and
hygienic conditions and the health safety of pool water (NN107 / 12) (Pravilnik o sanitarno
tehničkim i higijenskim uvjetima te zdravstvenoj ispravnosti bazenskih voda (NN107/12)).
This project includes the calculation and selection of equipment for the needs of filtration,
chemical treatment, circulation, pool water heating and all the elements necessary for the smooth
operation of the system.
For the purposes of pool water filtration, a fast closed pressure sand filter made of glass-fiberreinforced polyester, designed for operating pressures up to max. 2.5 bar. It is equipped with
fittings for manual operation - filter washing. The filter allows a filtration speed of v = 50 m / h
for pool water filtration. Pool water is used to wash the filter.
For the needs of pool water quality control, the installation of equipment for automatic
measurement and regulation of the amount of free chlorine and the pH value of pool water is
planned. The measured value consequently controls the operation of the dosing pumps for the
chlorine solution, as well as the acid for lowering the pH value of the pool water.
Also, with this work, the calculation of the total heat losses and gains of pool water was
performed, on the basis of which the heating equipment was selected.
Heat balance includes heat losses by evaporation, convection, radiation, transmission, losses due
to fresh water supply and heat gains by absorption.
Energy and economic analysis compared the use of solar collector systems and heat pumps.
Based on the analysis, a system consisting of a heat pump and an additional electric heater for
peak loads was selected as an economically justified investment for the needs of pool heating.
Although solar energy is a natural, renewable and free source of energy, the high costs of the
initial investment are often the reason for not using it.
preljevni bazen
kemijski tretman bazenske vode
sustav grijanja bazena
energetsko-ekonomska analiza
solani kolektori
dizalica topline
Keywords (english)
overflow pool
chemical treatment of pool water
pool heating system
energy-economic analysis
solar collectors
heat pump
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:257036
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
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File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-26 13:47:59