Title Projekt sustava grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije vile
Title (english) HVAC System Design for a Villa
Author Filip Blaić
Mentor Igor Wolf (mentor)
Committee member Kristian Lenić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Wolf (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Bonefačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering) (Section of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U ovome radu prikazan je postupak i princip projektiranja sustava grijanja, hlađenja i ventilacije na
primjeru luksuzne vile koja je smještena na području grada Maloga Lošinja. Razmatrani objekt se
sastoji od ukupno pet etaža na kojima se nalaze spavaće sobe, apartmani, dnevni boravci,
blagovaonica, recepcija, fitness, toaleti, kupaonice, kuhinje, spremišta i hodnici. Prema namjeni,
prve dvije etaže (suteren i visoko prizemlje) predviđene su za zajedničko korištenje svih korisnika
smještaja, dok su preostale tri etaže isključivo namijenjene boravku gosta unutar njegove smještajne
jedinice. Ukupna površina poda svih etaža iznosi 1007,4 m2
Provedeni su proračuni toplinskoga opterećenja (prema normi VDI 2078) i toplinskih gubitaka
(prema normi HRN EN 12831) pojedinih prostorija objekta s ciljem definiranja potrebnih toplinskih
učina grijanja i hlađenja (za potrebe proračuna korišten je računalni program „Microsoft Excel“).
Promatrano na razini cijeloga objekta, ukupna vrijednost toplinskih gubitaka iznosi 39,5 kW, a
vrijednost toplinskoga opterećenja iznosi 36,6 kW. Izvršen je i toplinski proračun za potrebe
dimenzioniranja sustava PTV-a za čiji je ispravan rad potrebno osigurati izvor topline minimalne
snage u iznosu od 34,9 kW (proračun je također izvršen korištenjem računalnog programa
„Microsoft Excel“).
Grijanje objekta vrši se istovremeno pomoću ventilokonvektora i podnim grijanjem. Podno grijanje
ima ulogu temeljnog podsustava u režimu grijanja, a ventilokonvektori se uključuju u rad u slučaju
da učin podnoga grijanja nije dostatan za održavanje željenih temperatura u prostorijama objekta. Za
ljetnih mjeseci, hlađenje objekta vrši se isključivo ventilokonvektorima. Sustav PTV-a je osmišljen i
dimenzioniran tako da je tijekom cijele godine u mogućnosti osigurati zagrijavanje 1500 l vode do
željene temperature (60 ℃) u predviđenom vremenskom roku (2 h).
Abstract (english) This paper presents the procedure and design principle of heating, cooling and ventilation system on
the example of a luxury villa located in the town of Mali Lošinj. The considered object consists of a
total of five floors on which there are bedrooms, apartments, living rooms, dining room, reception,
fitness, toilets, bathrooms, kitchens, storage rooms and hallways. According to the purpose, the first
two floors (basement and high ground floor) are intended for shared use by all accommodation
users, while the remaining three floors are exclusively intended for the guest's stay within his
accommodation unit. The total floor area of all floors is 1007.4 m2
Calculations of heat load (according to VDI 2078) and heat losses (according to HRN EN 12831) of
individual rooms of the building were performed in order to define the required thermal effects of
heating and cooling (calculations have been performed by a computer program „Microsoft Excel“).
Observed at the level of the entire facility, the total value of heat losses is 39.5 kW, and the value of
heat load is 36.6 kW. A heat calculation was also performed for the needs of dimensioning the
DHW system, it is necessary to provide a heat source with a minimum power of 34.9 kW for the
system to operate correctly (the calculation was also performed using the computer program
„Microsoft Excel“).
The building is heated simultaneously by a fan coil and underfloor heating. Underfloor heating plays
the role of a basic subsystem in the heating mode, and fan coil units are switched on in case the
effect of underfloor heating is not sufficient to maintain the desired temperatures in the premises of
the building. For the summer months, the building is cooled exclusively by fan coils. The DHW
system is designed and dimensioned in such a way that it is able to provide heating of 1500 l of
water to the desired temperature (60 ℃) throughout the year within the estimated time (2 h).
priprema potrošne tople vode
proračun toplinskih gubitaka
proračun toplinskog opterećenja
dizalica topline „zrak-voda“
podno grijanje
spremnik tople vode
Keywords (english)
domestic hot water preparation
heat loss calculation
heat load calculation
„air-to-water“ heat pump
underfloor heating
fan coil units
hot water tank
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:440981
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-27 11:06:30