Title Tehno-ekonomska analiza rješenja energetski održivog grada u RH
Title (english) Techno-economic analysis of an energetically sustainable city in Croatia
Author Damjan Batinović
Mentor Alfredo Višković (mentor)
Committee member Saša Sladić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alfredo Višković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Matika (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Electric Power Systems) (Section of Electric Facilities and Power Systems) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada je tehno-ekonomska analiza rješenja energetski održivog grada u
Republici Hrvatskoj. Diplomski rad je vezan uz kolegij „Urbani energetski sustavi“ pa je shodno
tome za primjer urbanog energetskog sustava uzet i analiziran manji grad kao što je grad Požega
u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rad je podijeljen na nekoliko cjelina,
teorijskog i praktičnog karaktera. Teorijski pregled obuhvatiti će temeljne tehnologije i
komponente održive
... More energetike prije svega tehnologije obnovljivih izvora energije za proizvodnju
električne i toplinske energije te potrošačkih tehnologija za smanjenje potrošnje i promicanje
održivog razvoja poput uporabe pametnih uređaja, električnih vozila i mjera energetske
učinkovitosti. Praktični dio rada kao glavni i temeljni dio rada uključuje referencu na grad Požegu,
a sama analiza će uključivati energetsku analizu elektroenergetskog i termoenergetskog sustava
grada, analizu prirodnih resursa kao potencijalnih obnovljivih izvora energije i tehno-ekonomsku
analizu rješenja kao kogeneracije na biomasu i fotonaponske elektrane koji će osigurati energetsku
održivost navedenog grada. Za potrebe izrade diplomskog rada koristila se je domaća i strana
literatura, internet izvori, osobna komunikacija s tvrtkama povezanih uz temu u cilju znanstvenoistraživačke analize grada Požege, računarski simulacijski alat HOMER Pro, proračunski alati
Microsoft Excel programskog paketa Microsoft Office i ostali navedeni izvori. Analizirani su
primjeri energetskih postrojenja poput kogeneracije na biomasu i sunčanu elektranu koji su
potkrijepljeni tehničkim i ekonomskim izračunima, referencama na Direktive Europske unije,
zakonima i odredbama Republike Hrvatske, a analizirani su kao rješenje za energetsku održivost i
neovisnost navedenog grada. Za kraj diplomskog rada je prikazan utjecaj potencijalno izgrađenih
postrojenja na sam elektroenergetski i termoenergetski sustav grada te su navedeni pojedine
prednosti, nedostaci, ali i uvjeti koji se trebaju osigurati da bi u budućnosti takvo rješenje bilo
izvedivo. Analizom se je utvrdila energetska održivost grada Požege koja se smatra daje
preduvjetom za stvaranje gradova budućnosti tzv. pametnih gradova koji će koristiti obnovljive
izvore, pametnu mrežu i ICT tehnologiju za upravljanje energijom unutar sustava, a moći će raditi
paralelno kao dio energetskih sustava ili otočno kao autonomna mikromreža. Tehnička ili
energetska analiza će uzeti u obzir instaliranu snagu planirane kogeneracije na biomasu ili
bioenerganu, sustav opskrbe sa svim potrošačima, analizu opterećenja i prirodnih resursa na
promatranom području, a ekonomska analiza će dati okvir i pregled financijskih troškova i
rentabilnosti ovakvih projekata kroz metodu nivelirajućih troškova električne energije LCOE (eng.
Levelized Cost Of Electricity) i okvirno vrijeme otplate potrebnih investicija. Less
Abstract (english) The thesis of this paper is a techno-economics analysis of solutions regarding the energy
sustainable city in the Republic of Croatia. This thesis is related to the course “Urban Energy
System”, and the main reason why the example of an urban energy system smaller town like
Požega in Požeško-slavonska county in the Republic of Croatia was taken and analyzed. The paper
is divided into several parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part will include basic
... More and components of sustainable energy, primarily renewable energy technologies for
electricity and heat productions and consumer technologies to reduce consumption and to promote
sustainable development such as the use of smart devices, electric vehicles, and energy efficiency
measures. The practical part which is the main and core part of the paper, includes reference to the
city of Požega and the analysis that includes energy analysis of the city’s power and thermal energy
system, analysis of natural resources as potential renewable energy sources, and techno-economic
analysis of solutions such as biomass cogeneration and photovoltaic power plant that are
considered to ensure the energy sustainability of the city. Domestic and foreign literature, internet
sources, personal communication with companies related to the topic for the purpose of scientific
research analysis of the city of Požega, computer simulation tool HOMER Pro, budget tools of
Microsoft Excel software package Microsoft Office and other listed sources were used for the
preparation of the thesis. Examples of energy plants such as biomass cogeneration and solar power
plant were analyzed, supported by technical and economical calculations, references to EU
Directives, laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia, and analyzed as a solution for energy
sustainability and independence of the city. At the end of the thesis, the impact of the potentially
built power plants on the electricity and thermal power system of the city is presented and some
advantages, disadvantages, but also the conditions that need to be ensured for such a solution to
be feasible in the future. The analysis determined the energy sustainability of the city of Požega,
which is considered to be a prerequisite for the creation of the cities of the future, the so-called
smart cities that will use renewables, an advanced network, and ICT technology to manage energy
within the system, and will be able to operate in the parallel as part of the energy systems or as
autonomous micro-grid. Technical or energy analysis will take into account the installed capacity
of the planned bioenergy, supply system with all consumers, analysis of load and natural resources
in the observed area, and economic analysis will provide a framework and overview of financial
costs and profitability of such projects through LCOE method and the approximate repayment time
of required investments. Less
Grad Požega
Obnovljivi izvori energije
Energetski održiv grad
Energetska učinkovitost
Energetska održivost
Energetski održiva proizvodnja energije
Energetski održiva potrošnja energije
Sunčana elektrana
Kogeneracija na biomasu
Održivi toplinski sustav
Održivi elektroenergetski sustav
Održivi razvoj
Urbani energetski sustav
Tehno-ekonomska analiza
Nivelirani troškovi proizvodnje energije
Nivelirani troškovi proizvodnje energije
Keywords (english)
City of Požega
Renewable energy sources
Energy sustainable city
Energy efficiency
Energy sustainability
Energy sustainable energy production
Energy sustainable energy consumption
Solar power plant
Biomass cogeneration
Sustainable thermal energy system
Sustainable power system
Sustainable development
Urban energy system
Technoeconomic analysis
Levelized cost of energy
Levelized cost of electricity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:831254
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-09-28 07:40:07