Title (english) Additive technologies implementation in the pneumatic pump design and production
Author Ivan Bebek
Mentor Mladen Perinić (mentor)
Committee member Neven Lovrin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Perinić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Senčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandro Doboviček (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Vrcan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) (Section of Process Planning) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-05-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U uvodu diplomskog rada objašnjen je pojam aditivne proizvodnje te generalnog principa rada
postupaka koji se koriste. Navedeni su materijali koji se koriste kod aditivne proizvodnje, kao
što su: akrilonitril butadien stiren (ABS), poliamidi (PA), polikarbonat (PC), poli(metilmetakrilat) (PMMA), poli(vinil-klorid) (PVC), poliuretan (PUR), epoksidne smole, kompozitni
materijali, keramika, čelik, aluminij, titanij i druge lake slitine. Ukratko je opisana podjela
postupaka aditivne
... More proizvodnje, a to su: fotopolimerizacija (stereolitografija), raspršivanje
veziva (trodimenzionalni ispis), raspršivanje materijala (engl. PolyJet), ekstrudiranje materijala
(taložno srašćivanje), laminiranje (proizvodnja laminiranih objekata), stapanje praha
(selektivno lasersko srašćivanje) i izravno taloženje materijala. Opisani su CAD i CAM sustavi
kao temelj aditivne proizvodnje.
Pobliže je opisan princip rada FDM postupka, kao tehnologije koja se koristila za izradu zadane
pneumatske pumpe. Također su tablično prikazane generalne karakteristike stroja koji se koristi
kod ovog postupka.
Detaljno je opisano sučelje CAM sustava, koji je korišten u izradi ovog diplomskog rada.
Posebno je naglašeno sučelje Mastercam CAM sustava i detaljno su opisane operacije tokarenja
unutar programa.
Pojasnio se pojam reverznog inženjerstva kao relativno nove tehnologije koja služi za
utvrđivanje značajki dizajna od proizvoda s malo ili nimalo dodatnih informacija o postupcima
koji su uključeni u njihovu izvornu proizvodnju i obavilo se 3D skeniranje kontrolera stapaja
pumpe (radionički nacrt srednjeg dijela kućišta nije bio dostupan).
U odlomku projektiranje procesa izrade detaljno je i opsežno odrađena obrada petero dijelova
zadane pneumatske pumpe unutar odabranog CAM sustava. Korištenjem CAD sustava
dobivene su skice za strukturiranje tehnološkog procesa, a uz pomoć CAM sustava dobivene
su slike obrade za razradu tehnološkog procesa. Također su navedeni svi alati i režimi obrade
koji su najoptimalniji za svaki pojedini zahvat. Na kraju su izračunata sva vremena operacija i
tablično su prikazana u prilogu ovog diplomskog rada. Less
Abstract (english) The introduction to the thesis explains the concept of additive manufacturing and the general
principle of operation of the procedures used. Listed are materials used in additive
manufacturing, such as: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polyamides (PA), polycarbonate
(PC), poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) , polyurethane (PUR),
epoxy resins, composite materials, ceramics, steel, aluminium, titanium and other light alloys.
The division of
... More additive production processes is briefly described, namely:
photopolymerization (stereolithography), binder spraying (three-dimensional printing),
material spraying (PolyJet), material extrusion (sedimentation), lamination (production of
laminated objects), powder melting (laser fusion) and direct deposition of materials. CAD and
CAM systems are described as the basis of additive manufacturing.
The principle of operation of the FDM procedure is described in more detail, as a technology
used to make a given pneumatic pump. The general characteristics of the machine used in this
process are also shown in the table.
The interface of the CAM system, which was used in the preparation of this thesis, is described
in detail. The interface of the Mastercam CAM system is especially emphasized and lathe
operations within the program are described in detail.
The notion of reverse engineering as a relatively new technology to determine design features
from products with little or no additional information on the processes involved in their original
production was clarified and a 3D scan of the pump stem controller was performed (workshop
design of the middle part of the housing was not available).
In the section designing the manufacturing process, the processing of five parts of a given
pneumatic pump within the selected CAM system is done in detail. Using the CAD system,
sketches were obtained for structuring the technological process, and with the help of the CAM
system, processing images were obtained for the elaboration of the technological process. All
tools and processing modes that are most optimal for each individual procedure are also listed.
Finally, all times of operations are calculated and are tabulated in the inset of this thesis. Less
proizvodno strojarstvo
aditivna proizvodnja
pneumatska pumpa
reverzno inženjerstvo
projektiranje procesa izrade
Keywords (english)
mechanical production engineering
additive manufacturing
pneumatic pump
reverse engineering
process design
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:826025
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-10-07 08:53:34