Title Stambeni objekt neto nulte energetske potrošnje
Title (english) Net Zero-Energy Residential Building
Author Andrea Šimac
Mentor Igor Wolf (mentor)
Committee member Neven Lovrin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Wolf (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Smokvina Hanza (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Paolo Blecich (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering) (Section of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract U diplomskom radu na temelju postojećeg stanja obiteljske kuće napravljena je energetska obnova.
Kuća se sastoji od tri etaže (podruma, prizemlja i potkrovlja). Kuća je izgrađena 1997., a uređena
i useljena 2014. godine u prizemlju, kada je stavljena PVC stolarija i podovi su minimalno
toplinski izolirani. Energetskom obnovom dodatno su izolirane međukatne konstrukcije prema
podrumu i potkrovlju, vanjski zidovi su toplinski izolirani i izrađena je fasada, promijenjena je
stolarija u
... More podrumu, krov se izolirao te se uredilo potkrovlje za stanovanje. Na temelju novog
stanja kuće razmatrala su se tri sustava grijanja i pripreme potrošne tople vode te sustav opskrbe
električnom energijom svih trošila u kući te punioce električnog automobila (uključujući i
termotehničke instalacije) s ciljem zadovoljavanja zahtjeva vezanih za potrošnju energije u
zgradama nulte potrošnje energije. Prvi razmatrani sustav je sustav s dizalicom topline s podnim
grijanjem kao ogrjevnim tijelima ili radijatorima, drugi sustav je s električnim kotlom kao
generatorom topline i podnim grijanjem ili radijatorima kao ogrjevnim tijelima, dok je treći sustav
sa kotlom na pelete i podnim grijanjem i radijatorima kao ogrjevnim tijelima. Sva tri sustava
razmatrana su za četiri debljine izolacije vanjskih zidova 8, 10, 12 i 15 cm. Razmatrani sustav
opskrbe električnom energijom je klasični umreženi sustav, gdje se viška proizvedene električne
energije prodaje elektrodistribucijskoj mreži, odnosno manjak se kupuje iz mreže. Nakon
ekonomske analize u nultoj godini i nakon 20 godina, usvaja se sustav s kotlom na pelete i
radijatorima uz toplinsku izolaciju vanjskih zidova od 15 cm. Less
Abstract (english) In the diploma thesis, based on the existing condition of the family house, an energy renovation
was made. The house consists of three floors (basement, ground floor and attic). The house was
built in 1997 and decorated and moved in in 2014 on the ground floor, when PVC doors and
windows were installed and the floors were minimally thermally insulated. The energy renovation
additionally insulated the mezzanine structures towards the basement and the attic, the external
walls were
... More thermally insulated and the facade was made, the carpentry in the basement was
changed, the roof was insulated and the attic was arranged for living. Based on the new condition
of the house, three heating and domestic hot water systems were considered, as well as the
electricity supply system of all consumers in the house and electric car chargers (including
thermotechnical installations) in order to meet energy consumption requirements in zero energy
buildings. The first considered system is a system with a heat pump with underfloor heating as
heating bodies or radiators, the second system is with an electric boiler as a heat generator and
underfloor heating or radiators as heating bodies, while the third system is with a pellet boiler and
underfloor heating and radiators as heating bodies. All three systems were considered for four
insulation thicknesses of the outer walls of 8, 10, 12, and 15 cm. The considered electricity supply
system is a classic networked system, where the surplus of produced electricity is sold to the
electrical distribution network, but the deficit is bought from the grid. After economic analysis in
year zero and after 20 years, a system with a pellet boiler and radiators with thermal insulation of
the outer walls of 15 cm is chosen. Less
energetska obnova
neto nulta potrošnja energije
termotehnički sustav
fotonaponski sustav
Keywords (english)
energy recovery
net zero energy consuption
termotehical system
photovoltaic system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:520057
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-11 12:36:33