Title Optimizacija dizajna elementa konstrukcije alata baznog vozila
Title (english) Design optimization of element of basis vehicle tool construction
Author Hana Salamun
Mentor Marino Brčić (mentor)
Committee member Neven Lovrin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marino Brčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Paolo Blecich (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Viktor Dragičević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stefan Ivić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Engineering Mechanics) (Section of Structural Analysis) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati robotsku ruku baznog vozila koje radi u rudnicima.
Analiza ruke provela se u programu Ansys, koristeći metodu konačnih elemenata.
Rezultati analize uspoređivali su se s izračunatim vrijednostima dopuštenih naprezanja i
deformacije. Analiza se provela za tri različita materijala te su se usporedili rezultati
naprezanja kod svih materijala. U drugom dijelu rada provedene su različite analize ruke
te topološka optimizacija modela robotske ruke, pri čemu
... More je cilj optimizacije bio smanjenje
mase ruke.
Prvo poglavlje je uvod u sam rad, gdje se opisuje s kojim su problemima
današnjice suočeni inženjeri prilikom konstruiranja strojeva te se pobliže opisuje svrha i
namjena ovog rada. Drugo poglavlje opisuje hrvatsku tvrtku DOK-ING koja je proizvođač
robotske ruke koja je tema ovog rada. Dan je kratak pregled povijesti firme, navedeni su
strojevi koji se u njoj proizvode te je ukratko opisana njihova namjena. Treće poglavlje
uvodi u teoretski dio ovog rada, a radi se o metodi konačnih elemenata. Detaljnije se
opisuje metoda proračuna i analize korištene u ovom radu. Slijedi četvrto poglavlje,
također teoretsko, gdje je dan pregled teorija čvrstoće koje služe kako bi se mogli
protumačiti i usporediti rezultati analize dobiveni u programu Ansys. Peto poglavlje bavi
se materijalima. Od jednog opisanog materijala napravljena je robotska ruka, a druga dva
opisana materijala su sličnih karakteristika te će se sva tri analizirati kako bi se usporedilo
ponašanje različitih materijala na istom modelu pod istim opterećenjima.
U šestom poglavlju detaljno je opisan model, na koji način se pojednostavio, kako
se omrežio. Predstavljene su i ukratko opisane analize koje će se koristiti. Sedmo
poglavlje donosi rezultate svih provedenih analiza robotske ruke. Uspoređuju se
vrijednosti naprezanja i deformacije s dopuštenima, kao i korištenje različitih materijala.
U tom je poglavlju opisana i provedena topološka optimizacija robotske ruke te je
predložen novi izgled ruke te provjera hoće li naprezanja nove robotske ruke biti unutar
granice dopuštenih ili ne. Osmo poglavlje donosi zaključke koji su donešeni tijekom
analiziranja robotske ruke i njime se zaključuju tema i rezultati rada. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper was to analyze the robotic arm of a base vehicle operating
in mines. The analysis of the hand was performed in the Ansys software, using the finite
element method. Analysis results were compared to the calculated values for the
permissible stresses and strains. The analysis was performed for three different materials
and stress results for all materials were compared. In the second paper part, various hand
analyzes and topology optimization of the robotic arm
... More model were performed, where the
aim of the optimization was to reduce the mass of the arm.
The first chapter is an introduction to the paper itself, that describes problems faced
by engineers nowadays when they design machines, and it describes the purpose of this
paper in more detail. The second chapter describes DOK-ING, a Croatian company which
is the manufacturer of the robotic arm being the subject of this paper. A brief overview of
the company's history is given, machines produced in the company are listed and their
purpose is briefly described. The third chapter introduces the theoretical part of this paper
and it is about the finite element method. The method of calculation and analysis used in
this paper is described in more details. In the fourth chapter, also theoretical, an overview
of the strength theories is given. Their purpose is to understand and interpret the results
of the analysis obtained in Ansys Software. The fifth chapter deals with materials. A
robotic arm was made of one of the described materials and the other two described
materials have similar characteristics. All three materials will be analyzed to compare the
behavior of different materials in the same model under the same loads.
The sixth chapter describes the model in detail, how it has been simplified, how it
has been meshed in Ansys. The analyzes which are later used are presented and briefly
described. Chapter seven brings the results of all the robotic arm analyzes performed.
Stress and strain values are compared to permissible ones, as well as the usage of
different materials. In this chapter, the topology optimization is described and performed
and a new model of robotic arm is proposed. Chapter eight brings the conclusions made
during the analysis of the robotic arm and concludes the topic and results of the work. Less
robotska ruka
topološka optimizacija
von Mises naprezanje
metoda konačnih elemenata
teorije čvrstoće
Keywords (english)
robotic arm
topology optimization
von Mises stress
finite element method
failure theories
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:068482
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-10-18 06:49:57